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M and Y

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Posts posted by M and Y

  1. Hi VJ,

    This is my first post so sorry if this may be a repeat of another thread. My Fiancee and I are still waiting for the Guangzhou consulate to mail us the package 3. The NVC sent everything to the consulate on May 12th but we have not heard anything from them. We have tried calling and emailing many times but they just come back with the same answer....It is in process and we have to wait for them to contact us. It seems like thy are just giving us a generic answer to get us off the phone. Well it has been almost 4 weeks since they received it and the case status has been "Ready" since May 16th. The last update was May 31st. We are worried there is something wrong. Maybe they tried to contact us but couldn't reach us for some reason? When I called I double checked the contact info and it is right. We are just worried something is wrong as it seems to be taking much longer than the usual timeline of others on here. Does anyone have any further suggestions or experienced the same thing? We have been calling the US Travel Docs number on their website. Also to note, I have gotten my local governors office involved (They have been a big help along the way I highly recommend everyone do this, its like free advice. They do this stuff all the time) and they have gotten the same answer. Appreciate any insight anyone has.

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