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Posts posted by Jenny86

  1. My 9 year old son and I moved over to the US in 2015 to be with my American fiancé (now husband) after 3 years of traveling back and forth between the UK and US. Our relationship was great for years before and we were all very happy and excited when we got the go ahead to move over. (My husband is not my son's biological Father)


    After we were married, my husband lost his job and things turned very sour, despite trying to resolve and work everything out, things are worse than ever and we aren't getting on to the point of the word 'divorce' being thrown around pretty much everyday. We have saught marriage counselling, to no avail.


    My son and I have our 2 year GC but as everything is up in the air, could someone please tell me if we will be deported if my husband decides to divorce me? My son is very settled here and I work etc, my husband and I own a home together but this will surely throw a spanner in the works for us being able to carry on living here. 

    I see a lot of mixed advice regarding divorce in this situation and I would like to get prepared for the worst case.


    Thank you 





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