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Posts posted by valentinadp

  1. On 9/12/2017 at 2:31 PM, Matheus Matias said:

    Oiii, voce sabe me informar quanto tempo leva o processamento consular para filho de cidadão americano, eu tenho 20 anos meu pai aplicou pra mim em maio, se puder me responder serei grato !!

    esta demorando atulamente de 10-12 meses o processo do inicio (aplicar) ate o final (entrevista)

  2. I am a U.S. citizen and my husband came on a K1 visa last year to the U.S. and is now a green card holder.


    My step-daughter has her Cr2 visa interview this Thursday, May 25th and grandma (my MIL) will be bringing her since we are both in the United States.


    I remember last year, my husband had to fill out a form at the consulate before his interview with information that included the address in the States.  My mother in law is elderly and I wanted to provide her with the information she may need to complete this form.  Anyone gone recently and remember what this form asks?


    Also, we have all documents needed but would love for others to share what they brought just to triple check.  The interview will be in Rio, Brazil

  3. Quote


    Just got an email saying I need to make 2 changes to my AOS and bring to interview, I was hoping someone could give me some feedback


    1.  On the AOS I listed my daughter on Part 2 as principal immigrant and then in part 3 I listed her again as Family Number 1.  NVC  is telling me I cannot list her in part 3......so to make sure....IF I LISTED HER IN PART 2 then I DO NOT list her in Part 3?   I leave all of Part 3 blank?  And then on Part 3 question 28 I enter just 1 person?


    2.  My 2016 tax return was a joint tax return with my husband.  I submitted ONLY MY W2.  Its asking for all W2s relating to the 2016 tax returns...I am ASSUMING this means its my husbands W2???  I  am not doing a joint sponsor so will I need him to fill out a AOS if I am to include his W2 as well?

  4. In brazil, you can have the medical the same day as the interview, it doesnt matter.  Once the medical team has the results they will send it to the consulate.  It takes about 2 weeks for all the medical results to be ready anyway.  We went to Rio 2 weeks early for the exam to be ready, and they still WERE NOT ready for the interview, but there is NO problem.   The consulate will wait for the medical to come in and then once it is they will issue the visa.

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