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Posts posted by sidou

  1. Hi. My wife is legal resident under CR1 status (green card with condition) and she's overseas visiting her family with our U.S  born child. She got stuck there because no flights available, so her conditional green card will expire in July. I'm aware I have to file I-751 to remove the condition on her green card and I got couple of questions:

    1. Can I file on behalf of her then sign it electronically by using electronic signature (no typewritten or stamped) on PDF or has to be signed by her with pen then scan it? And course I'm aware I need to sign it too. 

    2. On Part 5 on the application it's asking this: Is this child applying with you: Yes or No. Since our child is a U.S citizen, should I answer NO?


    Thanks for your help in advance.


  2. Thanks Geowrian. But I’m still confuse what to enter as an income. Should I enter how much I earned with Lyft last year and this year after I lost my job? For example, if I earned $3000, should I include that as an annual income or leave it blank? Or should I check unemployed then? 

    I forgot to mention that after my lost job I had to file for disability from workers comp because I already filed for that. Should write letter exaplaning my situation and my earning from disability or no need to?


  3. 401k as asset? Form I-864

    I’m filing I-864. I recently lost my job 2 months ago, but thank God i still have 401k, some cash, and stocks. Right now I’m driving Lyft. So can check self-employed and estimate annual income of Lyft? For example, in internet’s search an estimate annual income for ride share is about $38k. And can I include 401k as cash? Or where to include my 401k from my previous job?

    Also, how many passport pages should include with I-864 package? 

    Thanks. Your help is appreciated.

  4. I'm filling out form G-325 for myself. My new wife already did hers. The new forms have question about 'date and place of marriage' in the 'Former Husband or Wife' line. I got 3 questions: 1. can I fill out old version of g-325? 2. If I must fill out new version, can I write just year/place of previous marriage? 3. Or can just skip directly to divorce info?. Thanks

  5. "have you ever before filed a petition for this or any other alien". How should I answer this: YES or No. I filed i-129 before for my fiancée. She was denied because lack of face to face meeting including photos. Even though, we both provided hardship statements and we explained why we couldn't provide photos, but didn't help. So I traveled back home and we got married. I'm applying for petition i-130. Should answer yes or no for the question on section D? If I answer yes, what to write exactly? Any help is very appreciated. Thanks 

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