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Adam & Dina

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Posts posted by Adam & Dina

  1. 12 hours ago, Franco007 said:


    If you or your spouse do not have an immigration issue and you are just filing IR-1/CR-1 you are fine and just need to get all documents requested for the interview ready. This thread is for those who have immigration issues (e.g previous overstays, deportation....) and need a waiver to reapply for entry into the United States. 

    Yes I understand that - we were placed in administrative processing yesterday because of an issue we had and the officer said its likely that we will need to file a waiver. We were not found inadmissible yet but I just want to prepare myself for the worst

  2. 2 hours ago, ammez said:

    Hey don't be scared, honestly I was nervous too but they only ask what you've already provided them. I was doing deep breaths in the waiting room and that helped.  It also helped me to think I was "excited" as opposed to nervous. I went overkill on what I brought too (great big thick file) so maybe that helped when they saw me plonk it on the table in front lol, I had loads of photos as well just in case but they didn't ask for any.


    Also just in case you missed it : BRING YOUR COURIER CONFIRMATION form. It's not on the list of things to bring but bring it because they ask for it.

    Thank you :) 


    Thats a good way to think of it. I was denied entry on my ESTA because I couldn't show enough ties to the UK so I am worried that will cause an issue :(

  3. 4 hours ago, ammez said:

    I thought I would give my experience of my interview today while it is still fresh. It went absolutely fine.


    So to begin, my appointment was at 10:30am. I arrived at 9am and began to queue, there were two queues, one for 9:30 and one for 10-10:30s. After queuing in the freezing for half an hour the woman taking the passports etc asked us if we were waiting for immigrant interviews and two of us said yes.  She said that the earliest she could let us in was 10:15am for our 10:30 appts. She also told us when we come back to not bother queuing and go straight to her. So I ended up getting coffee with a lovely stranger whose name I never learned (shout out to the guy moving to Indiana and who has jury service and can't move until March - I hope you had a good interview haha). We came back and for me there was a little bit of confusion. On some of my paperwork I have my married name and on some I have my maiden name. I had to show my Ds-260 and passport - my passport has my maiden name and my ds-260 has my married name.  I don't know why this error was never picked up but she didn't seem perturbed and told me to go to the entry. A lovely older man came out and was a bit spooked about this discrepancy too and told me I might have problems inside, I showed him my appointment letter which has my maiden name on it and he let me through. You are allowed to bring in your kindle and phone but laptops are not allowed as well as other items that aren't normally allowed on planes. Put my folder and bag through security. Once you are through security you follow the signs through to the main entrance where once again you hand over your ds-260 and passport. This is where you get your number. I went in to the waiting room and there's two big screens, one on the right showing information about visas and rights and things and one on the left blinking the next numbers to go up to the windows.


    My number was called in under 5 minutes. I go up to the window and the gentleman was German I believe. He was kind of freaking out about my passport not matching the name on the folder and told me he wouldn't be able to process it. I started to freak out internally but he meant he couldn't do it under my married name. Once we straightened that out he went ahead and asked me for the originals of my birth certificate, marriage certificate and police certificate. He also asked for one photo and VERY IMPORTANT: He asked for the courier confirmation page. THIS IS NOT REQUESTED ON THE CHECK LIST OF THINGS TO BRING SO MAKE SURE YOU BRING IT! Luckily I brought mine. The only other question he asked was when did I get married. I then had to do my finger prints. He also was saying that I will need to chase up for my medical results as really they should have been there by now. Due to the Christmas break and having my medical just before the Knightsbridge doctors closed for the holidays I believe it has cause a delay. Especially as they were also waiting for two letters from my gp (that's a whole other palaver - I was told by the knightsbridge doctor I only needed one letter from my GP regarding an old diagnosis and the other issue was with my ears and was optional for me to follow up - she did not tell me I needed a letter about this or at least did not make that clear to me at the appointment. She recommended an referral to a specialist but that this was OPTIONAL. However when I chased them up last week to check they had received my letter from my gp they told me they hadn't even received the first one (sent on the 18th December) and I needed my doctor to write TWO letters about both issues. This has caused a delay but thankfully I just got the notification that both letters were sent today) My interviewer was concerned because the embassy is moving location next week. Anyway, everything was fine and I was told to go back and sit down and wait for the same number to be called again. I wasn't even waiting ten minutes before I got called for the next interview. I walked around the corner to my window and a very nice American gentleman said "hello how are you?" and I said "great thank you, how are you?". He had me swear an oath to begin with that all information provided was true to my knowledge and then my right hand fingerprints were taken again. He then confirmed again that my medical hadn't arrived and that I should chase them up and then asked me: "How did you meet Michael?" and "When did you get married?". And that was it! Didn't ask for any photos or anything and told me that everything looked just fine. He told me that pending my medical I had passed and reiterated that I chase up the knightsbridge doctors on it. 


    So after I left I checked my emails to see that my GP has sent my letters (emailed) and that Knightsbridge has confirmed they are in receipt and will pass it on to the doctors for review and all being good they should be able to process my visa! Knightsbridge said please allow 3 days for this so I am hope, hope, hoooooping it gets couriered over before the end of the week as I don't want anything to get lost in their move to a new building. 


    All in all - absolutely not at all stressful except for the confusion over my name and all the worrying I had about it was absolutely not worth it. Everyone at the embassy was really nice.


    Thank you for posting this. I have my interview tomorrow at 11am and I am seriously freaking out sooo nervous haha

  4. On 05/12/2017 at 5:38 PM, LaurenAndBrent said:

    Woohoo! Wonderful news! That's how fast it SHOULD be! My interview was on the same day but I'm still waiting for my status to turn to issued.... I can see they're clearly doing something to my file because the case last updated date changes but no status change as of yet! I'm due to fly on the 15th so let's hope they get a move on 😂

    Where do you see the last updated date?

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