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Posts posted by Agustus

  1. Hey guys:


    My Fiance's visa just got approved and she has a connecting flight through Istanbul before crossing the Atlantic.  I could really only find around 1-2 flights which work.  They both have the same wait times between flights.  The connecting flight has only a 2 hour difference.  I am slightly concerned about the security line times and then finding the flight.  Do you think it will be a problem?



  2. 1 hour ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    To further speculate you need to give a few more facts.


    1. Is she a Swedish national or of another nationality and residing in Sweden, perhaps studying  ?

    2. Have you ever petitioned anyone else or has she ever been petitioned before or has she applied for another visa ?

    3. How many times have you seen each other and how long did you stay before filing ?


    When the CO told your fiance she doesn't have enough phone/email evidence what did she say to the CO ?
    She should have offered to submit more relationship evidence right then and there and asked for that second chance.
    221g's are often given just for this purpose.

    Sweden is an easy embassy and they do not ask for a lot of evidence at all.
    Something else is amiss. The CO may have just used the 'not enough evidence' line and it's about something else.

    There could be many other reasons for AP.
    Don't be too rigid thinking you know 100% why your case is in AP. Seldom is something as it seems in immigration.

    It is incorrect that a K1 takes waiting around for a year to return with recommendation to revoke. That is for CR/IR cases.
    Once a K1 is returned you can fly over and marry and file a CR1 or file another K1. No waiting. None.
    You include a simple relationship timeline narration and briefly mention the returned K1 with case number and data and a multiple filing
    waiver request in your next petition (needed for K1 only not CR1) and that's it, no waiting necessary.

    K1's are not reviewed because they will be purposely expired.

    What you can do tomorrow is make an inquiry through your senator as to what exactly your case is undergoing, background
    checks or security checks. You steer the ship with what exactly you want to know don't rely on the senator's aide to

    ask the questions. They have to answer the senator but will not state in detail the reason(s) only general checks.
    You can also request a second interview and for you to be present if another interview is granted and bring
    more relationship evidence. It may be granted and it may not, I have seen it work out before but

    only after the visa was refused or after AP was completed. Nothing can end AP sooner.

    At least they know you will have offered more evidence and being present in person.

    That would be proactive and show a bona fide effort.


    You can try emailing the consulate yourself and wait and see what they reply before inquiring through a senator.
    I would definitely not withdraw and re file now.

    Hello Ebunoluwa:

    Excellent post and great points.  I was trying to see what kind of answers I would get from you guys by presenting the problerm as menacing and threatening as I saw it.


    So I presented the problem earlier to someone else and you appear to have the correct answer.  Your answer aligns with the answer I got from a Jewish lawyer on the east coast.  The lawyer told me he could win my case if certain parameters were satisfied.  I asked how in the world could he get my case out of AP and he wouldn't tell me.  He just said he could do it for $4500.  I asked how he had the ability to communicate with the embassy and get them to approve, but he would not tell me.  It appears you, Ebunoluwa have the missing piece of the puzzle the lawyer was hiding to protect his "business secrets".


    So now the question is if I should use this lawyer or go ahead and do it myself, contact my congressman in the manner you have described?  Any thoughts?


    BTW private message sent.


  3. 2 hours ago, b6543 said:

    I suggest a more proactive action, that will help you get approval for your case in AP. 


    First I would try to find out what is the reason for AP for your case?  At interview, did you get a paper with some description and/or codes?  


    What exactly were you told at interview - what type of information is missing?


    You can contact embassy immigration inquiry and ask for what type of information is  needed by consulate for further processing?


    In any case, you can submit additional information/documents to consulate - based on what is needed?  

    It was a 221g directing that no further information is needed.  The officer indicated a lack of phone calls and mostly emails sent through a dating agency.  So there is no real way to submit more evidence.  

  4. 22 minutes ago, LionessDeon said:

    Just because they "visited" the VJ website does not mean they went in and updated their timeline. I wish I had a dollar for everytime I asked people to update their timeline  There are many very active VJ members who don't even have a timeline or update it at all.  You are putting alot of faith in a tool that completely depends on member involvement and participation.

     Maybe they do put certain couples into AP to see how long they keep it together and fight for their "bonafide" relationship.  I don't know.  I think basing any assumption off VJ timelines and lack of members posting their good news is not efficient or accurate.  I know what I have seen here as a three year VJ member who has literally read hundreds of topics in multiple forums.

    We can agree to disagree and you are free to proceed as you wish.

    I appreciate what you say and would love to believe you, but I think we have to take off our rose colored glasses and realize that people who work in the US government are not always your friends.  They are likely interested in protecting their jobs and doing their job even if its in a draconian way. 

  5. 8 hours ago, LionessDeon said:

    You cannot depend on the accuracy of that information.  Some people get approved and never bother to comeback to VJ. They got what they wanted and don't bother with VJ anymore. Seriously, you are not even sure why you are in AP.  There are many examples all over VJ of couples being in AP for months, year or more and getting approved.  You sir are jumping the gun.  

    I disagree, just look at the data and logic.  Do a search under Administrative Processing and find a big group of folks who have last visited vj a year after their last timeline input was "interview".  The fact that they visited a year later and never mention any good news about their fiance finally getting here speaks volumes.  Also, randomly look at vj members who haven't been back for a year or more and notice that almost none of them show this same pattern.  


    There is evidence that once in AP and the consul doubts the relationship it dies in limbo.  I believe these cases are largely unreported, because they are not something to announce to the world.  So, I think it is a myth for people to keep hope alive in the process of AP when there is evidence that the embassy puts certain cases they don't like in AP to make them go away.  The reason the embassy wants them to go away is because they want to protect themselves and their jobs when they lack the evidence they need to make a decision.  They also lack the evidence both to reject or approve so they just ignore the case in AP.  This pattern is evident if you do the research.  Very few cases in AP over 90 days which get approved from Western European countries. 

  6. 58 minutes ago, LionessDeon said:

    There's no waiting for a K1 to be sent back.  That's a CR1 you are talking about. You don't know how  long AP could take. You could get issued next week.  Have you contacted a congressman?  

    What makes you think cancelling the K1 and refiling another K1 or CR1 won't end you right back in AP?  You are in AP for a reason and until you find out that reason it's doubtful a new petition will be any more successful.  

    There is waiting for a fiance Visa to be sent back.  If it stays in AP limbo for months it goes back to USCIS with a recommendation to revoke.  The CR1 is another story, but similar to the K-1.  I plan to contact a congressman when I hit the 90 day mark. Canceling a K1 and coming back with a CR1 which is more convincing would not land me in AP, because the sincerity of the relationship would not be in question with a more serious case.


    Yes I am in AP for a reason and I know exactly what that reason is, they implied it very clearly in the interview.

  7. 1 hour ago, LionessDeon said:

    You cannot depend on the accuracy of that information.  Some people get approved and never bother to comeback to VJ. They got what they wanted and don't bother with VJ anymore. Seriously, you are not even sure why you are in AP.  There are many examples all over VJ of couples being in AP for months, year or more and getting approved.  You sir are jumping the gun.  

    Perhaps, but the problem is that I know exactly why I am in AP it is about the sincerity of the relationship.  They implied that during the interview.  Very seldom does AP go through when a CO has doubts about the relationship.

  8. So given the situation, it appears better to cancel the visa and open a new one with no doubts in it.  You won't end up waiting another 3 months in AP and still feel worried if it will go through or not.  If it does get rejected, you still have to wait possibly a year for it to get back to USCIS.  Probably better to start over.  It will only take 3-9 months to try again.


    Also a lawyer told me that if the Embassy had no basis to reject it, but also no basis to approve it endless AP is the preferred way to  make a couple go away for CYA purposes.

  9. 58 minutes ago, Ebunoluwa said:

    There is no point in canceling the K1 at this time. AP is used for background checks, security checks, document verification
    and if you file again she can end up in AP again. Wait until AP is completed, if denied then re file with a front loaded petition.
    Why on earth would you want to cancel it when the decision is still pending and she could be approved.

    What I hear is that if you know the relationship bonifide status is in question by the CO and you have that AP in that situation, then the chances of it being approved after an extended period in AP are low. If you look at old Visa Journey profiles you see many who were in AP and they just disappeared with an interview in their timeline and no approval.  If you look more closely you will notice that these were cases where the relationship was in question after the interview.  I have seen no cases on VJ where the relationship was in question going over 60 days in AP.  After 60 days in Europe for AP based on the sincerity of the relationship is very unlikely to be approved.   

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