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Posts posted by Everlastingwait

  1. 3 hours ago, nyokie said:

    Oh lord tears came to my eyes reading this posted:angry:



    i know how you feel I have a daughter will turn 2 in June. And she haven't see her dddy since Jan 2016 but she do see him on FaceTime.


    hope you will get approved soon to be with your family and specially your daughter. 

    Thank you and all the very best for your journey if a relationship can endure this experience then you are able to handle anything and hey you never know some applications can be approved quite quickly 


    As my daughter always tells me "be brave"...lol 

  2. My friend I totally understand exactly how you feel I actually had the same thought a while back but you know we've spent all this time waiting it'd be a shame to make it all for nothing. My country is actually a great place to live and i love new zealand but i would rather die knowing i tried then die wondering what if.......


    It is quite disappointing that families are kept apart like this tho and not prioritized in anyway. We simply are going about the process in the correct way but it's very cruel to families.


    My daughters friends at her elementary school dont believe she has a dad, which reflects this savagely long process. I plan to eventually surprise her the day I'm allowed to fly and I will turn up to pick her up from school... her face will be priceless?


    Mate you can do it, Monday in the USA today so this will be your week it's got to be.



    Good luck my friend 



  3. So funny patience I'm having a few beers with my mate and read one of my first posts (mikethekiwi haha forgot mylogin) and realise how funny and what time has really done - how optimistic I was back then... didn't know what Nebraska meant back then.


    I know August filers this is not a fun experience however your noa2 is so close keep your focus.


    I officially haven't seen my kids or wife in 8months since they left NewZealand what a lifetime and Skype does not count.


    I was pd 24/08 and got my noa2 on the 03/03 according to my letter.



    Imagine how far away the September and October filers are  from now that should make you all feel better they have many  months to go still.



    Good luck everyone

  4. Would love to say this process was enjoyable but it wasn't however in saying that I managed to catch a fair amount of snapper, even got such a good tan a few times i ended up looking like a bandit because of my Sun glasses tan line...lol


    One day this whole crazy thing will  just be a distant memory for us all and we'll all be floating about usa - probably find it abit funny thinking back to how tragically slow this process was or felt.


    B-):blink::D   :jest:



  5. I'm honestly so disappointed with this process, looking at the USCIS processing times Nebraska said on November 28th they are processing dates of I130 petitions of 2 July but looking again today it is exactly the same updated on the January 25th so basically in 2 months its not moved at all.


    Do they realise that each case is an actual person and I agree with patience the PD is clearly not working, dispite where people are from this process needs to be fair for all.


    First in first served.


  6. They are hopeless, again just charge more its a business and if they simply charged more we all would have no choice but to pay however then they would have the means to hire more staff to get the job done in a timely fashion.


    I'm a manger for a job and if my crew fall behind my team either need to stay longer everyday till were up to date or I need to hire more staff if its a common pattern.



    What's the problem.



    Some people have kids and stuff which is just unfair by the time I get to USA it will have been close to a year since I last saw them.







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