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Posts posted by R3A

  1. 6 minutes ago, Transborderwife said:

    On the contrary, I worked in retail and our shrinkage was mainly due to low priced items because many  people feel that way.


    trust me, I do understand where you're coming from.  I accidentally shoplifted children's organic cough syrup.  I didn't realize that I didn't pay until I got home.  By then the store was closed.  I simply paid it forward in the collection plate at church that Sunday :P


    See you get me.. it does happen & not everyone is out there to take advantage of people and companies..


    I did offer to pay for it once the security guard brang the item to my attention, but he must have been having a bad day..


    The $4 item ended in a $400 fine in court, the judge was nice and understood it was a mistake, the judge explained to me that he knew I was honest and it was noted I offered to pay for the item.. 


    but I paid the price for my own mistake, now when I'm out and about I triple check my cart.. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, Transborderwife said:

    Well think of it this way, how often do they hear that story with intentional theft?



    Of course there would be people trying to say the same, if they did intentionally mean to steal something. 


    but $4? I mean if I intentionally wanted to steal something & to have a criminal charge against my name, I don't think I'd purposely take a item at the value of $4 


    but like i said it was my fault because I should have checked my cart properly.. 

  3. It wasn't an intentional theft but none the less I walked out the shop without paying for an item.


    I didn't see the ($4) item in my cart after paying for all my shopping & the security guard was quite arrogant even when I said I didn't see it, he still called the police. I told them what happened but because I left the store before noticing.. it's still classed as theft.. 


    So I'm big $4 criminal at the end of the day lol 


  4. Theft was 13 years ago. When I was 19, haven't had any other criminal charges since. It's the only 1 on my record.. 


    this will be the first time travelling anywhere out of Australia, I don't know what to actually do, but I'm booking in to get the ball rolling & apply for my passport next month. Not sure if I'll be allowed in considering I have that on my record & because I'm currently not employed? 


    But I have no intentions of staying there as my 3yr old daughter will be at my house while I'm gone with her dad (who lives interstate) watching her until I get back. 


    Thanks for your help guys, my guess is I'll have to have an appointment as soon as I disclose my criminal charge on my forms. 

  5. I'm almost 32 unemployed (only because I'm a  single Mum) & my dad wants to send me on a holiday to the US with my Aunty and my step dad. (Confusing I know) 


    i have a theft charge from when I was 19 and not sure if I'll be allowed in?. I was going to apply for a visa waiver but don't know if it's worth it? 


    1) will I be able to go for a holiday to the US? 


    2) I have no intentions of staying in the US as my daughter and family, friends are at home.


    I have no idea what the process is? But I have savings ($9,000 Australian = $6,500 Usd) and only intend of visiting for 4-5 weeks.


    Just not sure if I'll be allowed to visit because some forums say maybe and others say no? I was a teenager, I never killed anyone or anything drastic like that..

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