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Posts posted by loida85

  1. My Mother is been in the US for one a half year now... and she is still on green card... I been reading a lot about how to bring my siblings in the states.. it said that the easiest way is to petition for my parents first, then my parents will petition my siblings. Now, my mom is in the states and talking of bringing my other siblings here... What is the best way to bring them here? now, that my mother is a green card holder. Is it best to wait until she become a US Citizen? before petitioning my siblings or we should petition them now as a green card holder? Please help.. They are all over 21 years of age 3 is unmarried and 1 is married. which one is the fastest and best way to bring them over here? wait to become a US citizen for my mother or she can be able to do it now? Thank you for those can give me any advice here.

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