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Posts posted by waiting4Oliverio

  1. The wait feels like an eternity!! Ive filed an I-130 for my husband in August and we are still waiting for the NOA2. Started out in the Cali Service Center and now has been sent to the Texas Service Center. Its driving me insane! So you are looking at about 5 months at the Service Center then once its approved they will forwarded it to the NVC and Ive noticed its taking about a month of processing there. Then about 2 weeks for it to be forwarded to the Embassy in Mexico.

  2. Hi Everyone! I'm still around...I've been putting in some extra time at work because Oliverio's aunt needs surgery on her heart. She goes in for surgery tomorrow so please have her in all of your prayers. He still has not been able to get his Passport because he's been worried about his aunt and all of our extra money is going towards her right now. I will let everyone know how her surgery goes and as soon as Oliveroi gets his paaport we will be back on the road to Juarez. I promise I haven't forgotten about everyone :)

  3. Well I'm back in the good ol' USA! It was great seeing Oliver but it made me miss him sooooo much more now!!! We were talking and as soon as he files his waiver I think we will be moving to Juarez until he gets his Visa! I think that would be best because I could commute to El Paso to work and he could definately find a job there. I don't think I could go 10 months without being with him!!! If I didn't have my family with me in Juarez I probably would of ended up staying hehe

  4. Well I've been in Mexico since Wednesday! Oliver could not get his Passport still. They said that it would take a week to get it so we wouldn't of had a chance to get it now anyways. He will be going back to Chilpancingo Sunday and he will come back in a week to go to his interview. I won't be able to join him that time but atleast I got to see him! It is cold here and Oliver has been sick ever since he got here :( It's been nice seeing him though!

  5. I jsut sent him more money today to go to Alcapulco to try once more to get his passport..hopdefully he can get it before he gets on his plane Wednesday :( I alreadyh talked to my work and I wouldn't be able to get time off again until the beginning or March so basically it's a now or never thing because I start school again in January....BLAH!!! I'm going to talk to Oliverio later on today and I'm telling him to just get a taxi to the hotel....I don't want to drive that far into Mexico and end up getting lost. That would definately be my luck! If he doesn't get to go to his interview atleast I can give him all the stuff for it and he will have to go later by himself :(

    Thank you all for the info!

  6. He was supposed to take care of it. The guy told him that if after he got his ID it would only take a couple of days to get his passport. Now the guy is being an a$$ and telling him he needs all these different documents before he can get his passport. I have already taken the time off work, paid for the hotel and flight and if I wait I won't be able to get anymore time off of work :(

    luvinmb.....I haven't done the 156 yet because I need his passport number for it I just want to pull my hair out right now :wacko:

  7. I have a couplequestions...my fiance still has not gotten his Passport. If we are in Juarez two days before he goes to his interview, will that be enough time for him to get his passport there? He also wants me to pick him up from the airport because he's timido hehe Does anyone know the directions to the Holiday Inn and to the airport? I've looked on the internet for directions but none of them have them

    I can't believe I'm leaving Tuesday! It feels like the time has gone by soooo fast! I'm sooo excited but extremely nervous about the whole passport ordeal!

  8. I am sooo MAD right now! Oliverio said he went to check on his passport yesterday and the guy said that he needs papers from when he was in school before he can process it any further. What a load of S@$T! It sounds to me like this guys isn't going to give him his passport no matter what. Now he is going to go to Alacupolco to buy his Passport. But now he probably won't get his passport in time to go to Juarez! I knew something else was going to happen I could just scream right now! :crying::crying:

  9. I had my parents fill out an avidavit of Support and have it notorized since I haven't made enough this year to qualify. Is there anything I should take with it? Should I fill one out too or do I not need to worry about it since my parents agreed to "sponsor"?

    I just got off the phone with Oliverio and he picked his ID up today and went and paid for his passport. They said he can pick up his passport next Monday......Thank God I don't have to worry about that now, but I'm still gonna kick him when I see him :P 8 more days and I'll be gone, but I'll take my computer with me and post everything as it happens...I can't wait..It's all I've been thinking about. I just want to pack everything up and put it in my van so I feel like I'm leaving today hahaha

  10. Welcome to all of our new additions! The more the merrier.....:)

    I got something funny for everyone! When I got home from work I checked the mail and had another package from Juarez......ANOTHER INTERVIEW PACKET......I guess they were just reminding me that Oliverio can go to his interview now HaHaHa Stupid people!

  11. WoW!!!! I'm soo excited for everyone! Things are starting to really move for everyone! I have a question....typical hu hehe

    What are all the costs for everything? I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything so I take nough money with me or so I'm not surprised by anything I didn't know about!

  12. When Oliver takes pictures to his interview, will it be ok if he takes three regular pictures of us and then the rest printed out from my computer? All of our pictures are on an SD card from my camera. Plus we were going to take more the day before his interview so if my family goes with they interviewer can see they are there too.

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