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Posts posted by stevecov

  1. 17 hours ago, Bello said:

    Yay my husband is here! Process is finally over!


    So he lives in Northern Ireland, so we thought it would be best to pick up from the DX Depot at the airport. We have dealt with DX in the past and they have been unreliable with delivered previous packages because we live in the country side of Ireland. It's always been easiest for us to drive to the Depot and pick up our packages there. So this being said, we didn't pay the extra fee for the delivery to be sent to our house, so on Friday we received an email with our tracking number saying "The U.S. Department of State Consulate located in London has released document related to your Visa application to our courier DX Group. The document is being sent via the courier option you selected at registration..." 


    We checked the tracking number and DX said it would be available for pick up on Monday. We were hoping for my husband to fly on Sunday so he drove up to the depot early Saturday morning and the minute they opened he went in to ask if they might have it. Just to happened that the plane JUST LANDED and they were able to give him his package in 15 minutes! With the package and passport in hand, he went ahead and booked a flight to Newark Airport. 


    He left Dublin this morning and went through customs there. He said the flight had no more than 50 people for this huge plane and customs gave him no problems. He landed and was able to walk right off the plane and straight to pick up his luggage. Flying through Dublin definitely was a wise choice and super quick and laid back. Aer Lingus was great and he got here half an hour earlier than anticipated. 


    So so glad to have him here! Wishing everyone a speedy and smooth process as you procede with the last steps. Any questions don't hestitate to message me and we will answer to the best of our ability. Good luck everyone!

    Wow, what a quick turnaround! Congratulations and thank you for all the detailed information as you have gone through the process!

  2. Still nothing Cam?? I followed up on my email again as I haven't heard anything back from them for my question, or any confirmation of changing my address. I don't fancy my chances of relying on Royal Mail redirect for my case nnumber.


    If my theory of guessing case numbers is right they have assigned 16 numbers in the past 2 days, far more than they were assigning before that. Perhaps a big catch up?



  3. 5 hours ago, Cam73 said:

    How are those crossed fingers working out for you Steve?

    Absolutely nothing and no response from embassy to my emails asking them. My job waiting out there is getting a bit annoyed with the unknown of it all.


    3 hours ago, Bello said:

    An appointment just opened for Jan 31st! Literally just now! Aaahhh!!! 


    Cam, I assume you tried contacting them? When we emailed them we sent emails regularly until we got our case number. At least know that once you get it you can quicken the last bit of the process. Have everything ready to go for the interviews and all. 

    Wow January 31st.  I'm very jealous. 

  4. 20 minutes ago, Bello said:

    Medical booked for this Saturday! When my husband called, the lady was quick to give him an appointment next Wednesday, but he quickly asked if there was anything sooner and she said first thing Saturday morning. So definitely ask for a sooner date, the worse that could happen is they say nothing is available.


    We also checked out the calendar for available dates for the interview (we didn't book anything yet) and the soonest date was for Feb. 24th. So there is at least a rough estimate for how long we should be waiting. We are hoping someone cancels in the upcoming days haha.

    Thanks for letting me know, good to get an idea of how long we might be waiting for interview. 


    I have my fingers crossed for my case number this week.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Bello said:

    Cam, where did you hear that all Feb appointments are gone? I still haven't heard back for a case number, this is so frustrating. :(

    This makes no sense based on all the other processing times I've been seeing, it's almost as if they have just suddenly stopped assigning case numbers...


    I feel your frustration...the not knowing what is going on is killing us!

  6. Just now, yunnipie said:

    Yay, progress!  My husbands case number came within a week after the NOA2, I want to say just a couple of days later.  Also to help put you at ease, we had our incredibly relaxed interview on Tuesday, we were the very last one of the day, and got the email Friday that the visa is on its way to the courier.  That means we will be getting his passport back less than a week after the interview.  So seems it goes fast after the NOA2!

    I think Cam is still waiting for his case number though, so they don't seem to be very on the ball right now. My new employer is being incredibly patient about my delays, but are eager for a new start date so sooner I can get that interview date set the better!


    Congratulations on getting it approved! When are you moving out there?



  7. No news from embassy for me, they still haven't replied to an email I sent on Tuesday morning to try and find out if the RFE affidavit was delivered to them.

    Slow down to Christmas I'm assuming...

    Hearing nothing and not being able to do anything to push it forward is incredibly frustrating. I have a job out there that is supposed to start beginning of Feb, that's not going to happen now but how much further I can push my start date back I'm not sure, plus in the meantime from the middle of January I'll have no income anymore as I've had to hand in my notice at current job.

    Sorry, rant over, just very annoyed that all I can do is wait.

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