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Posts posted by Louisa

  1. Louisa good to see you are still around and checking in occasionally. Alejandra (UCLA Cutie) should be quite busy now that her Juan is with her.

    We finally got his Employment Authorization Approved! So now it's job-hunting time. Good to see everything is progressing quickly here. After this major step, you will all move on the next. Good luck to all! :)

    Congrats Lucy N Bebe and good luck on the job hunting :)

  2. I have mixed feelings about Mexico. I actually lived in Juarez for 5 years with my ex husband. I hated living there because I didn't feel free to leave my home and go as I pleased. I grew up in a very very very small town which I am now living in again. I forget to lock my doors (to my house) and never lock my car, etc, etc. My fiance lives in Mexico City. I enjoy visiting there but would never want to live there because I would feel scared once again to leave the house on my own. It isn't Mexico I am afraid of though because when I was in Mexico this last time we went to visit one of his sisters and I loved the small city she was living in. I felt completely comfortable and would move there now if it wasn't for my children (I have joint custody with their father).

    I wrote a hardship letter and am one of the people who quoted negative things about Mexico. I have mixed feelings about my hardship letter because in complete truth the only thing that keeps me here in the US is my children. I wrote many things though that were correct in my hardship letter but that I don't truely feel are real hardships. A good example being violence in Mexico. Yes what I said was true about violence in Mexico but if you think about it there is violence everywhere. Go to any big city in the US and I am sure you will have the same issues as in Mexico City.

    When you are forced to prove hardship in order to be with you loved one it makes you become negative if you want to be able to get your hardship letter approved. I try to always be positive and believe I can make it no matter what comes my way so it was extremely difficult for me to come up with my hardship letter.

    Sorry I am just going on and on.

  3. We're past the 2 month mark. And after obsessive searching, it seems like CSC is averaging between 75 and 85 days. I can't waittttttttttttt!!!!!!!

    I'm sure I don't know how all of you guys did it.

    The funny thing is is that I'm going to Mexico over spring break, and I KNOW the second I get on the plane my NOA2 will show up :S

    That would be nice. Maybe when you get back not only will you have your NOA2 but the NVC will have received your papers!! Wouldn't that be nice to come back to :yes: Hope you have a great visit

  4. [quote name='inlimbo' post='769795' date='Mar 10 2007, 11:43 AM'

    I'm going to be filing a 601 waiver and a 212 waiver...i just sent the I-129F at the end of February, so I won't be going to CDJ for a few more months. Sorry to hear that you missed the pilot program...I hope it speeds everything up and your wait time is greatly reduced.

    did you use a lawyer to file your waiver?

    No I did not use a lawyer. If you are not a member of immigrate2us.net already I really would suggest you go there and look around. They have a lot of wonderful advice and examples of approved and denied hardship letters. I posted a copy of my hardship letter there and received some really good advice. I then made ALOT of changes before I got all my of evidence together and then turned it in.

    Good luck on your waiver.

  5. Hi everyone. I am sorry I pretty much never post. I am still here though. It will be months before I am back with Alberto so I'm not going anywhere. We are one of the couples that had to file a waiver. Since we filed our waiver almost exactly two weeks before the pilot program began for the waiver in Juarez it could be ten more months before we get an approval and he can come home. Just out of curiosity is ther anyone besides Kitkat and myself who are having to file waiver?

    I am so happy to see all the approvals that have been going on. I also see there are new couples going through the process. Good luck to everyone.

  6. First of all a BIG Congratulations to Danielle and Emma.

    I haven't been around because I lost my internet connection and I can't log in at work. I am finally now reconnected!

    We had our interview yesterday. Well I didn't go but everything went well. He was approved to file the waiver and has to go back Feb 22 at 11 am to turn that in. I've almost finished my hardship letter I just have to change one part of it because I don't like it. I also want more evidence to go with it. I just never seem to have time but now I have a deadline so I will just have to make time somehow to finish it.

    Kit Kat

    I can't seem to get into immigrate2us.net. Well I can get in but half of the time I can't open the pages. I have some questions of how to fill out the I-601 and I'm trying to see if wait times have changed any but I'm not getting anywhere. My fiance is suppose to be faxing me a copy of the I-601 Sunday because I couldn't understand some of the questions and I was hoping if I could see it myself it would help a little. Anyways do you know if it is my computer or if something is wrong with the immigrate2us site

    I will try to go back and catch up on what is going on but it is after 1 am now so I should be getting to bed. It is sure great to be back though. :yes:

  7. I haven't been here for awhile. I've read some but couldn't remember how to log in. I finally had them send me a new password. They changed things around here though.

    My finance will be going for his interview the first week of Janurary. I decided not to go with him but an going to go to Mexico City to be with him for New Years instead. I will take all the papers to him then and go over everything with him so that hopefully he will be able to relax a little.

    Hope everything is going well with everyone else. I will have to find the time to go through and catch up. :blush:

  8. My parents suprised me and agreed to sponsor him but I'm going to also. If CDJ doesn't want my info they can give it back:) When I filed paper (I-130) for my now ex my parents were also going to be his sponsor. We were suppose to use the I-864 (I don't think that is the right number, oh well) and for that one I as the petitioner had to fill out the paper worker also even though I had ZERO income. So that is really why I'm taking my info to CDJ, because I just want to make sure. I guess better safe then sorry.

    Waiting4Oliverio Good luck on the interview

  9. Wow our little group is growing :yes:

    Okay I got good news today but I need to vent at the same time. :blush:

    I emailed CDJ a couple of days ago and found out that my packet was already mailed. Here is their response

    "We have received your fiance's file and on November 17, 2006 we sent a packet with forms and instructions to complete his process at this office. Your fiance has an open appointment Monday thru Thursday from 8:00 to 10:00 am.

    IV Section."

    So I emailed my attorney again asking if he received it (because I'm not sure if it will go to him or me). First of all I already know that he is clueless about this whole process. I found that out when I emailed him awhile back asking if he or I would receive the IMBRA RFE and he said they don't send RFE's to everyone that there was no way to know if they would send me a RFE I would just have to wait and see if I got one. Oh yes not to mention before I filed he told me that it didn't matter that my fiance was here illegally for ten months since he went back on his own without being deported. He said it wouldn't be an issue.

    Anyways, I emailed him again today to see if he had received the packet and this was his response

    "The packet is usually sent directly to your fiance. What is his full name so that I can be sure that I don't have it?"

    First of all does he not realize by now that yes it gets sent to the fiance but it also gets sent to the US. Second how in the **** does he not know my fiance's name????????? Oh and you should see the email he sent me when I asked him about the packet the first time. He tried to be helpful and give me information about what I might get from Juarez but the info he gave me was incorrect. It was actually a longer email so I won't copy and paste it. I sure wish I would of found this site before I paid this idiot.

    Oh and I wouldn't be to concerned about all the people that were seen being denied the K-visa. People are getting false information all the time from idiots like my attorney and they go unprepared. If I hadn't of found this site I would of gone to the interview thinking everything was fine and when my fiance got denied I would been one of the couples leaving with tears. But now I know he will get denied so I won't be leaving with tears I will be prepared with a waiver.

    Okay sorry about that I'm done for now lol.

  10. My husband, 2 year old son and I leave this Sunday for Juarez for our interview. We know the likelyhood of him having to stay down there due to coming to the US illegally. I just hope we get someone nice... we will see.

    Welcome to the group Carlyflower do you have a waiver prepared already? If you give us some details about when and how long your husband was in the US illegally we can give you more information. Also how many times your husband crossed and if he was ever caught, deported, etc.

  11. Wow it is great to see things moving along for so many people.

    I am beginning to wonder where my fiance packet is though? When I called NVC on November 3rd they said our papers had been sent to Juarez. So I'm thinking I should be getting my packet anytime now. I'm getting anxious. We won't be able to go for his interview until the middle of Janurary but I still want it in my hands. Also I don't want to ask for time off work until I have the packet because as we all know by know you never know with CDJ :lol:

  12. Wish I could help answer your question but I don't know. My sitution is like yours in some ways. My income falls about 500 short per year. It is so maddening to be so close but not make enough. I also am not sure about having someone help me sponsor him. I'm pretty sure that I could get his old boss to write a letter for him also but I'm not sure if this would work or if they would include it with my income or if his job alone would have to be enough.

  13. Wow so much has been going on since I was here last.

    Congrats Emma glad to see you got your Packet 3

    Lucy good luck at the interview. Looking forward to hearing your story.

    waiting4oliverio it really doesn't take very long once he applies for the Passport. It takes much longer here in the US then it does in Mexico. Hope he gets it done soon though I know it will help knowing he has it.

    Heina glad to have you as part of our little group. I'm really sorry about how things have gone for you and hope that start going much smoother now.

    Ucla cutie26 I didn't realize how close our timeline is. Hope we both get our Packets very soon. Though I need to get busy and finish getting everything together I need. I'm the one putting things off now :blush:

    Allie really sorry to see that you are still waiting. I was really hoping that when I came back on here to see some good news for you. I really hope that you are able to find the help you need soon.

    KK you really are a great help to this group. You have always been able to answer my questions. I must say I was very happy when you went from banging your head to dancing. I really hope things start going faster for the waiver so you and all the rest of us who have to file the waiver don't have to wait much longer.

    Brendbeaux welcome to the group. And good luck :yes:

    Jess hope you receive you packet 3 soon. I think you have been waiting just over a month now if I'm correct. If that is right you should be getting it soon.

    I don't know if I will be back for awhile I've just been staying so increadibly busy. I really need to get to the immigrate2us site and post my hardship letter soon though. I have just a few more things I want to change first though. Well I will go for now. I have to get my kids to bed it is almost 10 pm I just had to come see how everyone was doing. :yes:

  14. Thanks I will let him know. He speaks English and I don't speak Spanish. Well I speak some spanish but no where near enough. So we speak to each other in English for now. I'm hoping he will teach me a lot more Spanish once we are together again.

    Because of the fact his English is so good I was suprised when he asked me about the interview being in English or Spanish. He is concerned though that he will get nervous and forget how to say what he wants to say. He said it is easy to speak English with me because he isn't nevervous. Poor guy, he is really getting worried about this interview. It reminds me how he was the first time he meet my parents :lol:

  15. Yes when you call NVC you have to speak to a real live person which isn't hard to do. The first option is for people who have filed an immigrant visa (the K1 visa isn't an immigrant visa) the second option list several things and the fiance visa is included in the second option. After you pick the second option you will be transferred to a person who will ask you for your number. At that point they will tell you if they have received your info etc, etc.

  16. I'm so happy. I called NVC today and they told me they sent it to Juarez on October 31!!! I hope I only have to wait four weeks for my finace packet also.

    Allie Thanks for the info and I really hope things start going better for your petition VERY soon.

    Congrats KitKat. I hope everyhting goes well for your mans interview. Look forward to hearing about it.

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