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Handy Andy and a Sandwich

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Posts posted by Handy Andy and a Sandwich

  1. Love it! Just remember, all those spare socks, scarves, old underthings, and random shirts are your friends. They stop so many hollow delicates from breaking. Stolen pint glasses, piggybanks, trophies, more stolen pint glasses... Thankfully the biggest thing we've got are 16 billion pounds of notes and books. Or maybe really about 100 lbs. But that's the worst of it. The IL's are bringing all that over in their luggage allowances for the nuptuals.

  2. Anyone know what the procedure is? Can the beloved trade in a clean UK license and not take that pain in the bum test? Everyone at the DMV has been most unhelpful, hooray for paying taxes. Haven't got the NOA2 yet, but just trying to get rid of all the potential hassles. Oh wait, a visa. That's totally stress free.

  3. Hear, hear to Jen! And honestly dwar, it was/is the same with my parental units. But they took the stance of if you're not going to go to college get out on your 18th birthday. That hard line has done me nothing but good over the years.

    So, Dan, pack up and move out. Being an adult isn't easy and it isn't fun-BUT if you can live through this, a lot of other things in life are going to be a cakewalk. Chin up!

  4. What a terrible situation! First thing, breathe. I realize that this seems overwhelming, but just take a step back.

    You've obviously got strong analytical skills, now is the time to apply them. (And you can use this when you get a job as well.) Sit down and make out a list of the pros and cons of every possible iteration and outcome. Then go get a PO Box. Once you've done that you're in control of the situation again. Now is where the fun part is-

    Go through and flowchart and make a tree diagram of what the potential outcomes of the conversation with your father are. Then figure out what needs to be said and how you need to present the facts to get him to see your point of view. You've known the guy his entire life, you can probably guess how he's going to react to certain statements.

    The key to all of this is: keep your emotions out of it. Everything above is cold, hard pure logic. No emotions. This is not manipulation, its a technique to effectively roleplay conversations and interactions so you're in control of yourself and things don't spiral out of control.

    Now for you. You're probably in college? If so, there will be a counseling center on campus somewhere. Go. Find someone who won't judge you and that you can talk to. Even if you're unwilling to do that, go talk to a priest. Someone, anyone who is not personally involved in this issue.

    Good luck!

  5. Its the way of the world...*SOME* (note-not all) people believe that just because they've decided to reproduce, they get preference to all the resources and common courtesy doesn't apply. Anyone who has ever gotten broken toenails in the shop when some bird leaves her gargantuan pram in the middle of the aisle on top of your foot knows exactly what I mean. Or when the little terrors show up to your sister's wedding in white because "They just look so precious!"

    I'm completely convinced that there's a recessive gene that causes situational stupidity at birth. Maybe it has something to do with the transition from person to food source and back...can't say. But that's just my hypothesis.

    As far as commitment? We all need to be committed, this whole visa process is driving everyone crazy.

  6. I've got everything crossed that I can get crossed. RFE reciept on 18 July and a wedding date on 30 December, I desperately don't want to have to reschedule again. My family and my boss will have my head on a platter if I do...not to mention that I miss the SO!

    Hopefully we can get the NOA2 this week and London can get a move on to get him here by the end of October. Anybody have any hints for the London Embassy?

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