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Posts posted by mikeandracel

  1. LIke Ben says above....

    seems they rarely look at the I-134 during the interview in Manila
    my fiancee said they only asked her where I worked
    the idiots were more worried that she once upon a time had a one letter misspelling on her name
    221-g issued for another Cenomar and police clearance! really!? 

    that said....I sent her my signed !-134 about a week before her interview...
    copies of the last 3 years of W2s...printout of my work online profile page (showing my date of hire and current base salary)
    My job has one of those 800 work verfication plans, and would not write me a letter.
    my latest 401k statement,,,,,and latest IRA statement.
    letters from my 2 banks....they wont give you what the form says exactly..but its close enough
    Chase did it for my right in the branch....took 10minutes
    TD (being Canadian! LOL)  took about 10days to come in the mail
    wrote out a cover letter explaining all the attachments....
    I guess better safe than to be sorry

    you never know who is PMS the day your fiancee has the interview!

    good luck



  2. In the beginning of his term, Duterte's abrasive and rough-around-the-edges demeanor piqued my curiosity. Although barbaric and unconventional, his methods seemed to be what the nation needed to move forward. How wrong I was. He is not a man with the country's best interests at heart. He is a second-rate mayor with no experience in the big leagues. Ruling by fear and violence is not what an already broken nation needs. He is a first grader on a playground full of teenagers.

    China has just one thing in mind: how will they benefit from Duterte's reckless and seemingly ill-guided actions?!? His lack of foreign policy, and his errant disregard for the Filipino people will become the country's number one weakness. just watch. Do you really think China is going to cycle $13.5B through the otherwise poor Philippines? Forget not that the nation is much more than just the capitol city of Manila. With a reach of more than 7,000 islands, how will the Phils really benefit from a quick romp in the sack with Super China? They won't. Jinping will slap Duterte like Bi**h and kick him to the curb the moment he gets what he wants. Talk about one sided relationships.

    And Putin? I don't agree with Putin's policies and methods, but he is the Bear. This man is a sleeping giant. A testosterone filled career of power and experience in Mother Russia's golden throne is no match for the modest inexperience Duterte brings to the table. He is going to get squashed. His ego has already exceeded his ability to rationalize and perform successfully on any level. He is walking into a trap. Sadly, its a trap he set for himself. Mark my words, if something doesn't change soon, the Philippines will become either Chinese or Russian territory. Both armies would love to be situated so perfectly in the South China Sea.

    Either Duterte is going to lose it all by betting more than he can afford, or he is on the fast track to become the next Kim Jong-un. Either way, I don't look forward to what is in store next. And Tracy, what does all of this say about our own presence in the Philippines (now or in the future)? I don't know. I really don't. Its concerning and a bit unsettling. For now, we just keep doing what we are doing. Let's get our girls out of there.

    Oh, and you already know my feelings about waiting until December. Wait it out. Go see Jean and family. Enjoy your time there. You'll be fine. Jean needs to stay these past few months as much as you want her here.

    Bravo and well said

    Up until this past June...I was planning on us all living there on Cebu after I retire

    Now.....working the K1 and as fast as we can.

    The guys a closet Commie...and maybe giving voice to more of them there

    the last few trips I am already noticing a change in the reception we are given as Americans

    Maybe this was all just under the surface before? ...and he just being honest in verbalizing it?

    I dunno...but you all need to read between the lines when he speaks

    What is he has said and done so far is nothing compared to what he WANTS to do!

    Not surprised if he makes the Philippines the next North Korea.

    Sad to see things change so quickly....but we should have seen the writing on the wall when his running mate was that freak Bong-Bong!

    I was just at the US embassy in Manila the day of the riot there....

    you know what? I wouldn't be surprised íf he planned it!

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