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Posts posted by Alexy_dez

  1. Yes, I agree with you. Going enlisted would not be a good move at this point. I am an Army Officer and I know a Soldier who was a physician in the Philippines. He moved here to the US and wanted to join the military in order to obtain a medical residency. The recruiter promised him the world. However, he was "tricked" into enlisting as a pharmacy technician and the residency never transpired. He was trapped into doing his 4 year enlistment. Then and only then could he apply to the residency after getting his US citizenship.

    I think you right sir, E4 enlisted veteran here now working in IT/software industry . Got naturalized within 9months and It was completely worth it - did not regret 1 day serving in the forces but i learned 1 vital lesson. Never take a recruiter's word for it.. LOL

  2. Has anyone recieved an appointment in Juarez Mexico lately? It has been 6 weeks and my husband has still not recieved anything from NVC stating his case has even been forwarded. All fees have been paid, all documents sent, and DS260 finished. I have been checking his status and no changes.

    same here , i filed i-130 for my mum, sent all docs, she submitted her DS form, its been 7 weeks and nothing

  3. I just got thru once again the first try. TO THE SECONDARY NUMBER that I've been posting that people keep ignoring.

    "If you are having difficulties getting in the main number -use this one: 6033340888"

    Thanks man , i tried this one but the machine voice says i need to have her passport number ready, she is still processing her passport at the moment :wacko: but i just want to check if we have a case number

  4. Anyone having issues contacting the NVC? when i call (603)-334-0700 it just hang up like no dial tone. We are hoping they have our my case number by now or am i dialing the wrong number?

    10/24/16....I-129F mailed to Lewisville, TX
    10/26/16....NOA1 text message

    10/28/16....NOA1 Hard Copy Received
    11/22/16....NOA2 Approval (USCIS website)

    11/30/16.... NOA2 hard copy

  5. I want to encase my cellphone in Bronze ... Frozen on the SMS message and display it forever...

    Kind of vague message... Had me gulping.

    "Your case has been updated"

    I surely expected to see an APPROVE in there somewhere.... And since I didn't I thought the worst. But there it was online. Your case is approved.

    Looks like our timeline are almost perfectly the same, so i'll be watching when you receive your case number :)

  6. Alex, Wow awesome news. You are the only approval I've seen tonight. Once again an evening approval.

    Update your official VJ timeline if you can. Next stop for you is NVC.

    This will make your Holiday even more special.

    I may have mentioned this before but the NOA 1 date on the VJ timeline should be the date on the actual NOA 1 upper right hand corner.

    What did your finacee say when you told her?

    Congrats again.


    Thanks Jim, I have updated my timeline, its correct Oct 26th is day printed on the upper right corner . My Fiancee.. she is sure excited

    so is there anything we can do while waiting for NVC? am sure that will be another 3 to 4weeks.

  7. I was worried for an RFE because i did not include back copy of my naturalization certificate but that did not happen

    i checked online status a moment ago, it says 'CASE WAS APPROVED' on November 22nd, wow that is today. Am expecting NOA2 hardcopy in the mail :yes:

    10/24/16....I-129F mailed to Lewisville, TX
    10/26/16....NOA1 text message

    10/28/16....NOA1 Hard Copy Received
    11/22/16....NOA2 Approval (USCIS website)

    xx/xx/xx.... NOA2 hard copy

    *****Appreciate all fellow members for their support in the times of waiting patiently ****

  8. Let me know if this works out for you all... The backside of my Birth Certificate was "blank" but after looking closely - it clearly shows the security threads used in the paper which I believe is what they are looking for. Not trying to spook you because believe me - just the waiting process is scary enough. Check for RFE's and you will see people have been nailed on this. The best way to resolve this is to prepare the response NOW. Go make a two sided copy and verify that you can indeed see the security features of the Document on the "blank" back side. Have this ready to express mail the response to the RFE back as soon as you can determine you have an RFE - (RFE received in mail or by checking online status). I dont know what an RFE looks like or how you are notified the quickest... but if you are like me you are checking online and the mail everyday. Hopefully that way you only lose a week due to the RFE I suppose.

    I am more of a smart-####### and made a TWO SIDED COPY and in my table of contents I clearly labeled it as: TWO SIDED COPY of Birth Certifcate (FRONT SIDE AND BLANK BACK SIDE AS REQUESTED)

    EDIT - Why is SMART-A55 a blocked word?

    Well that's pretty scary, i made a copy of the back but its still blank-empty paper. On a 2nd thought i'll prepare a response just in case. Pretty nervous at this point but i have to wait and see

  9. Actually am a little worried now. I scanned through copy of my application one more time. I just found out i sent only the front copy of my neutralization certificate because the back was empty, but instruction says front and back. I hope this does not trigger an RFE :oops: all the other sections were completed 100% spotless.

    10/24/2016 .... Package sent

    10/26/2016 ...NOA1 email text message received

    11/xx/xxx ... Noa1 hard copy (awaiting)

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