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Pierrot le fou

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Posts posted by Pierrot le fou

  1. Hello everyone! I was going through the form I-129F, and i actually downloaded the latest form from the website of the "US Citizenship and inmigration services" https://www.uscis.gov/i-129f , but i noticed this expiration date on the corner.
    We are planning to actually submit this around the beggining of January, does this expiration date means i cannot use this anymore until a new form is uploaded to their site? Would anyone have any knowledge regarding this? Thanks in advance!


  2. Thanks everyone, your answers have been of inmense help, and i really believe we have a pretty much straightforward case, our biggest reason to even "consider" hiring a lawer was because i read that the whole process JUST to get the visa could take from 4 months to a year depending on the case, and we really don't wanna wait another year to see each other and get married, as pretty much we've already planned how we want everything to go for the wedding and us , we just need the paperwork and visa to get me there, we'll definitely be following the guides and samples from previous cases here, or coming back if we get any questions or get "stuck" somewhere with the forms or process, thank you again everyone. Its also really comforting to hear that so many others have gone through this and achieved it without problems :)

  3. Hello everyone, i recently found this page, which i found extremely helpful, specially reading about other's people experiences regarding this process, as me and my Fiancee plan to go through this whole thing ourselves pretty soon.
    Im from Bolivia, and my Fiancee is American and lives in the States, we wanna get married (hopefully) by June-July 2017, we initially went to the US goverment's page and read the section they have regarding the K1 Visa requirements, and i found things very poorly explained over there to be honest, im glad i found this site thou, as your guides are quite comprehensive, but the whole process is very complicated regardless. What i think i know for sure from all that reading thou is, there is barely anything i can do from my end, since im the Foreign party, my fiancee is the one who has to file all the forms and papework over there in the US (mostly).
    Which brings me to my question, while looking for resources and info on this K-1, i stumbled into a lot of attorney and legal inmigration K-1 "Specialists" websites, who say "help" you trhough the whole process, as i can see that if you make a mistake in any of the forms or the filing, until you hear back of that mistake, and you correct it and send it again, you could lose months in the process, and we really don't wanna spend more time apart than we need to with my Fiancee (btw we've been together for more than 2 years and we see each other in person at least twice a year for a couple of weeks or months). Do you think it would be "efficient" to hire an attorney or legal advice+support for this whole process, could it potentially help us save time? and would the costs to pay be worth it? We have not yet looked into prices for this, but if anyone has done this with legal help, or has an opinion on this, i would really like to hear your thoughts as it will help us make a decision. Thank you!

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