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Posts posted by adsum

  1. So the marriage hasn't been consummated? As far as I know, marriages where the parties were not present in the same room are not eligible for immigration benefits until they have been consummated.

    The marriage and all of that is beside's the point, there is no problem with that at all. We have our marriage certificate. the process was going smooth up until her interview in India.

  2. Hello everyone, I have been reading the forum for a quiet sometime and finally decided to post today, first off my story:

    I am a U.S citizen living in the U.S since 1998 along with my family, Originally my family and I are from Pakistan, I have practically grew up in the states. In 2010 I fell in love with my current wife who happens to be from India. She also grew up here in the states having immigrated from India. In 2012 her family left the U.S.A , her dad told their family they have to leave or they will get deported, so they leave back to India (huge mistake I know), we marry over skype, I apply for her visa we get the interview last year in October and after the interview they told my wife she needs to file an I-601 waiver, turns out the father had been lying and they had overstayed illegally in the USA meanwhile he never told his family any of this. We applied for the I-601 and we got a receipt notice that it had been received on February 19 2016, I am just wondering if anyone here also has a I-601 from around that time frame? I havent Seen her in 4 years and we have been married for 2 years ....I just want this to end :(

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