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    Naturalization (approved)
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    Lewisville TX Lockbox
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    Boston MA
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  1. Hi, 


    can we be friends? I filed my n400 last oct. 2016, my FO Is Boston,  got my interview on march 16, 2017 (passed interview), status changed for "Oath Taking will be Scheduled" on 4/7/17. Until now Im waiting for my oath letter in the mail. 

    I just want to ask if you got your letter for oath taking? I am very anxious. 

    Thank you. 



    1. Kim&Jos


      Unfortunately, I'm still waiting just like you.


      I was approved on March 15 and was told that I should receive my Oath Letter within 2-3 weeks. My status changed to "In-Line for Oath" on March 24. I had waited patiently but finally got super nervous as one VJ member reported to have already had his Oath scheduled for April 13 despite being interviewed 2 weeks after me. The only difference is that he got his Oath Letter right after the Interview and I did not. My interview was at the end of the business hours and obviously my IO couldn't care less and she was in such a hurry to leave.


      On April 13, I went in for an InfoPass, the IO was extremely apologetic. She asked if I could wait while she was trying to contact her supervisor to see if they could just give me the Oath Letter and have me go over to Faneuil Hall. Turned out, it was Thursday, which is their weekly Oath day, she informed me that most of her supervisors were at Faneuil Hall and the only one was at the office, unfortunately, was in a meeting. She told me to leave and assured me that she would also send an email and follow-up with her supervisor and get the Oath Letter sent out either that day or the day after.


      And of course, I waited and nothing came. So I went in for another Infopass on April 19. Pardon my language, but the IO that served me was such a piece of . He didn't even pay attention to whatever I was saying. He was trying to listen to the other case from the next window and giggling and laughing the whole time he was supposed to help me. The first reason he gave me was: "We're waiting to have enough applicants to schedule for the Oath." To which I said, I know of many applicants got interviewed after me and already became USC. He said: "Every case is different." To which I responded: "I understand every case is different but as soon as an application got approved, it all is just the same, waiting for the Oath. Cases are only different while they're being adjudicated and whether a case is approved faster or slower of course will be hard to predict." Then he said: "People from last winter are still waiting." I answered: "Those are people with IOE cases, my case is NBC." Then he said: "Not necessary." I told him I need to visit my family in Vietnam the beginning of June and want to have my Oath in time. He said: "Well, there is nothing I can tell you. Everything looks good on our end. If the Oath falls in your traveling time, you just have to reschedule it." I also told him about the promise that the previous IO gave me, in hope that he could talk to his supervisor. But he didn't even offer to talk to his supervisor. Finally, he got anxious and just gave me back my driver's license and my green card and told me to wait 2-3 more months.


      Of course, I came home extremely angry. I wasted my time at work to get service from the Boston field office. The IO was extremely unprofessional, he was brushing me off the whole time I was there. He gave me all bullshit excuses, to which I didn't buy any of that. 


      I really wanted to make a complain about that IO, but I don't even know his name. He didn't wear his name tag nor introduce his name to me. Well, of course with that kind of attitude, he wouldn't want people to know his name.


      I'm going to give it 1 more week, while trying to calm down. By May, if I don't see anything, I will make an Ombudsman's complain and probably will contact the Senator. I definitely won't wait 2-3 more months. 


      I hope you'll get your letter soon.

    2. Kim&Jos


      lol I didn't know that VJ would censor foul language. Words like "sh*t service" or "piece of sh*t" got edited. 

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