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Posts posted by VicSen

  1. Hey all,

    Filing from Tokyo, using assets to meet income requirement. Gathering my docs for the I-864 and hit a bit of a speed bump. I was having a lot of trouble making an account on the SS website, so I hit up the Federal Benefits Department at the embassy when I was getting my wedding cert notarized. Turns out there's a discrepancy in my social security record (birth date is 5th instead of 8th). He wouldn't let me have the copy he printed out, but told me that I needed to official forms of id to change it.

    I've got my passport, but my birth certificate is in Australia, where I'm visiting over Christmas. SO, should I

    1. Just send in what I have and check unavailable in the checklist
    2. Explain the situation in my domicile letter
    3. Have mom ship the docs/pick them up when I visit next month.

    What's my best option here?

  2. Hey all, recently received NOA2 and started getting my I-864 package together. We'd planned on using our cash and brokerage accounts to satisfy the income requirements. I've been sending money home for years, but only reached the 3x threshold a few months ago. Should I:

    1. Send the statements I have currently, and explain the situation?
    2. Line up a joint sponsor now, and save myself the time of waiting for an I-864 rejection?

    I'd like to keep it simple and not bring my brother and his documents into this if it can be avoided (3 jobs in past three years, self-employed for the previous two), but will bite the bullet and ask, if there's no way my assets qualify. Any other options? Thanks in advance~

  3. Hey All,

    Applying for cr-1 from Japan, received (email) NOA1 May 11th, but when I logged in, I got the on July 28th,

    Notice was returned to USCIS because the post office could not deliver it

    I know at this point it's probably just the hard copy I-797, but I'm worried about why it was undeliverable, and if my future documents will be, too. The online request form only takes US addresses, so I requested to have it resent to my brother's address in the States. Whoops:

    The address you provided in this request does not match the address of record. Please contact customer service to verify your address and request your document to be re-mailed.

    Now I'm calling USCIS help line to try to confirm my address. Tier 1 folks can't confirm my address. Kick me up to Tier 2. Of course, due to "unusually" high call volume, please leave a number for the callback system. Your estimated wait time is XX minutes. Callback system only takes US phone numbers, can't get through.

    So at this point, I see my options as

    1. File an AR-11 for my brother's place, have him forward me my docs. (I'm afraid to do this because I'm not living there and applying from Japan)

    2. Ask customer service to put in a service request for my Tokyo address and hope for the best

    3. Wait for USCIS to email me back

    Am I over-thinking this? What happens when we can't get mail for the NVC portion of our application?

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