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Posts posted by Pitchman

  1. USCIS clearly states on their website that the finace visa (K1) is to marry within 90 days of arrival NOT a period to try it to see if it works. You will be denied especially if they read this post as they have been known to do.

    The law clearly states that and yes I will be getting married within 90 days. What the law doesn't say is when I must file the AOS. There is no time frame for that. If I marry within 90 days then I'm fully and completely in compliance. And let USCIS read this! What will they find out, nothing!

  2. The alternative is that you actually know someone before marrying them. That you have spent time getting to know one another. That you have spent time in person and actually trust them.

    She is your future wife and you are supposed to love her and care for her. Part of that is making sure she is fully integrated into US life instead of being held prisoner until she pleases you enough to file for her.

    Refusing to file immigration paperwork can be seen as a form of abuse.

    Its impossible to know anyone that well. I dont think I need to tell you this. People surprise you regardless of how well you know them. Its a fact of life. If all couples were honest, loving and faithful then nobody would get a divorce. There is nothing wrong with protecting yourself and having an insurance policy.

  3. Being stuck inside the home, with no driver's license and unable to work, sounds like a recipe for a happy start in the US.

    I agree and as I said Im not out to keep her hostage but I do not want to enter into an immigration issue that is financially disastrous especially if i come to find out that Ive been lied too.. As you have stated in many posts before to others who have submitted an I-864 , you know all to well that it is a sit or get off the pot moment in this process. I realize what you are saying however what are the alternatives.

    So she has to uproot her life, move to US, wait a few months for you to see if she passes the green card scam test.

    Otherwise, you will ship her back home.

    Sounds very fair huh.

    Fair or not is debatable. But how does one prove that what they want is not a green card and in fact purely true love? This is a dilemma that nobody has the answer too!

  4. What does your fiancee think of your 'smart' plan? :pop:

    Why don't you go over to her country for 6 or 7 months to spend time together before commiting?

    Good idea but I have a full time job, a daughter and bills to pay. Regardless of what my fiance thinks, its imperative that I look out for myself just as much as I look out for those around me.

  5. I'd hope you would know that before you got married.

    You're correct but many people are duped into a fraudulent marriages who felt their significant other was sincere and truthful. Its sometimes impossible to know ones truest of intentions regardless of there inner thoughts or outward behavior. Given that the I-864 puts you on the hook financially for a long time, even the most sure of sponsors should have at least one insurance policy in case something goes afoul. Usually most problems if any are to exist will rear there ugly head within a matter of a few months so in my case I think its best to wait. Another 3 to 4 months will not hinder the situation.

  6. You do not have to file for AOS in the 90 day window, you just have to get married in the 90 day window. You can get married and file outside the windows and it is approved because y'all are now married. You just have to be careful when travelling here in SoCal because you can and will get stopped at some of the inland border patrol check points. Then you will have to explain why your significant other is out of status. I waited about 4 months before we filed the AOS for my wife and it was fine.

    OK that helps! I will likely wait until 6 or 7 months and then apply for AOS. I just want to wait to ensure that everything is proceeding smoothly before I financially commit. I know that sounds devious but the knowledge Ive obtained from this site has been eye opening to say the least. I'm not looking to keep my fiance hostage LOL like Ive seen other posters claiming has happened to them, rather I just want to make sure that I'm not being taken for a GC ride!

  7. HI

    I know that its advisable to apply for AOS as soon as possible once the fiance arrives to start the 90 day window to get married. My question is, would it be possible to wait or postpone applying for AOS and just rely on the EAD for an extended period of time?

    If so what would I need to do and what are the ramifications for not applying for the AOS immediately/or within 90 days?

    Note: This isnt a money issue as I have the money for the AOS and I know why you should apply for the AOS immediately but what will happen if I say wait 10 to 12 months instead of applying within the 90 day window?



  8. No we didn't , we had a lawyer submit everything for us and we were told everything was good. The rfe request a letter of intent, proof of meeting within the last two years and the g325a form.

    Got it! Yes actually "you" did forget because the attorney is not the one who get the RFE, you did, and while I do agree that having someone assist you or be a second or third set of eyes in this process is beneficial you learned a valuable lesson here. Even with an attorneys assistance you can never be too sure. For other steps in the immigration process I suggest learning ahead of time what steps and documents are necessary and questioning whomever or even yourself prior to submission.

  9. This is a good question and one that Ive made very clear to my Fiance in Indonesia. Ive told her from the beginning that the impression that people have of the USA is vastly distorted. That it is not easy to live here and most importantly it is NOT a land of the free and never was. My fiance in Indo is not poor, she has a nice apartment, good job and lives in a nice part of Jakarta. I told her that when she comes to America she will be literally swapping a like for a like. Meaning the same life that she has in Indo she will have here for the most part and initially it will be harder. She fully understands now. I think for some the reasons they want to leave there own country is purely for reasons of being fed up with the government or societal issues, not for reasons of economy, living or employment problems.

  10. On May 6,2016 my fiance had his interview in Morocco. He was asked a weird question. "Where are your engagement photos?" He had given them many photos of us spending time together. He explained we got engaged on Skype. He explained how he had asked his mother for permission to marry me. This was not required, but he did this out of respect. She happily agreed. He Skyped me and asked to marry me. I of course said, "yes". We were then engaged. Well, the interviewer said, "you are not engaged because we don't have photos of the engagement'.. He couldn't get an understanding why the interviewer felt this way. My fiance was then handed a paper which stated our case was suspended for further administrative review. He was not asked to provide anything else. He was informed he would receive a call in 3 weeks. Well, he never received a call. After the 4th week, he decided to go to the consulate and ask about our case. He was told they didn't have a case for us. I called the consulate and was told they couldn't speak with me. I was informed I would need to email the consulate. I did email them an got only automated response. I had My fiance ask his mother if there was a special ceremony we should have done for the engagement. She said, "no he asked you and you said yes." We did have photos of us sitting with him mom and other family members eating and discussing the engagement. I sent the consulate a copy of these photos with the explanation. Still no response from the consulate. We just don't know what to think or if there is anyone we can speak with. My fiance has started asking me questions like," why do I think the American consulate doesn't want us to be happy? " I'm not sure but maybe it is because of the presidential elections coming up, or maybe all the negative talk about Muslims in the media. Can any one help us understand this? I first applied for him on September 30, 2015 now only a few week away from 1 year ago. This is just not right.

    Are you sure that he was actually asked this question verbatim? Reason I ask is that this seems beyond the scope of what they could legally ask or if he was asked this question, was there a leading question that preceded this question that resulted in him being asked this? For instance did he mention some type of family gathering where he proposed to you while in his home country yet no photos were provided? If such a discussion occurred then I could see the CO asking this. Also the response your fiance gave to the CO regarding request for photos, what was it? Its situations like this were I feel something is missing in translation and maybe what he thought he heard is not exactly what happened. Make sense? I realize that he asked to marry you on Skype but the relationship between Skype to the question of do you have photos of the engagement is not logical thus I can deduce that your fiance is leaving something out.

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