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Posts posted by jmcortez80

  1. I had to drive her to the Spanish consulate twice and they gave her something giving her a 1 way trip into Spain. I'm not sure what it was, but they were not going to give it to her until she had a plane ticket going to Spain. They said it was only good going into Spain so she could fix her passport in Spain. She has been out of the country for over 30 years and over the years there have been a lot of changes and I think at one point she was suppose to submit something in order to keep her citizenship. I work with someone from Sweden that said Sweden did the same thing. She said everyone had one year to renew their citizenship or people lost it. She said a lot of people lost their Swedish citizenship. My mom can not leave Spain without a passport. She can not get a passport because she is not a citizen of any country. My mom was born in Spain and lived her entire life in Spain until her 30s when she moved to Texas with my dad. They divorced in the 80s and she has been a green card holder the entire time. I'm not sure what she used to get into Spain, but it was issued by the Spanish consulate for one entrance into the country. While she was there she found out that she is no longer a citizen of Spain even though she has a Spanish birth certificate from Zaragoza, Spain and an expired Spanish passport.

  2. I was born an American citizen. My mom married an American service member in the 70s. My mom has lived in America as a permanent resident for 36 years. Her brother was dying of cancer in Spain so she went back to visit her family because it's been a long time since she has been there. There was some difficulty with the Spanish consulate issuing her a new Spanish passport even though she had her expired Spain passport and other documentation. Eventually they gave her a 1 way visa into Spain. When she got there apparently she is no longer a citizen of Spain and it does not look like she will be able to get it back any time soon. She has no citizenship to any country at the moment. Is there any way I can sponsor her to come back to America?

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