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Posts posted by veteranzebra

  1. a previous poster was correct in that my status has not changed, so i do not know the result of the few touches that i have had over the past few days. since approvals were few and far between I thought a few touch messages would be a good thing:)

    I did get to thinking though, in this age of homeland security, liquid bans, shoe checks, and the like it does surprise me that more information in not requied about the beneficiary.

    I would think they would want to check out as much as they could.

    I know the answer! they trust our judgement as to the character and the past of those we love so they have streamlined thier process:) See the goverment is working for us!

  2. Not to be rude, but I am not personally worried about getting a approval:) I think approvals are a done deal except in extreme cases.

    I am worried most about the time that it takes for this process. Based upon previously quoted stats on average there are over 2,500 K1 visas received a month and a ton more of other types of requests processed at these same locations.

    I know I have just started this process, and many are still waiting from March. It is tough waiting and I guess I am looking for a justification to be optimistic that we wont have to wait till next year to get approved. I just do not understand how VSC can be so fast, while supposedly the same goverment entity at CSC is so slow.

    I will see my fiance next week for 10 days, which is great, but it will make each day after the visit even tougher than it has already been.

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