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Posts posted by mamichula34

  1. 4 minutes ago, Georgia16 said:

    Yes you can do a K-2 is you are fast and he can get here fast and then you'll have to do the AOS when he gets here OR you can do the I-130 as a stepchild which takes a year but then he gets his GC when he gets here. 

    I'm not in no rush. I will rather do the I130. Less 💰. Like that we can get mother mentally ready for her to take actions in the country forthe child prior to us going to interview.

  2. You can sign back in today and your banco pop. Receipt number should be programmed so that you can finish the process. Passport number should be included. Answer all questions as needed.

  3. Yes, they asked him has he ever been arrested or committed any crime he said no because he never was arrested, then the officer said are you sure he said yes I'm sure he asked again and he still said no so when the officer whipped out his records he said you lied being under oath and he replied saying I was not arrested for that case I was in the district but not arrested. So the officer gave him paperwork on how to clear his case which made him go to court etc. So remember that immigration is federal by the government they can't track anything and everything. So the best is to be true about everything.

  4. The best way is to be honest. My ex-husband had a DUI case back in 2000 never was convicted and when we went to immigration in 2008 they declined it because he said he was never in jail or had a case. I had to pay a lawyer for the DUI case and he was sentenced. Nothing major so once he finished he case sentencing we reaplied an and he was approved. The reason I say to be honest is because the already know when filing all about the beneficiary history. Hope this can be helpful. Good luck

  5. Sorry for so many question I get confused about package 2,3,4 recieved/delivered etc what is that?are those package that he will receive?

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