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Posts posted by drchiro73

  1. I live in San Diego. I'm an American citizen.

    My Mexican girlfriend got pregnant and I initiated a K1 visa.

    She is now in the US under K1 Visa.

    We are now married.

    We have a 6 month old son.

    She is not happy here, for many reasons of her own. Life in the US is not what she imagined.

    I am not happy with her because she is verbally abusive.

    I tell her we should separate.

    She would not leave.

    She is waiting to get her papers.

    I tell her that I am not convinced that I will continue with the K1 process because

    I find her very offensive and she is not happy with me. There's no reason to continue together.

    I am concerned that she might escalate the verbal abuse to physical abuse, and given our society, I will take the blame and the punishment simply because I am a man.

    I have never hit her.

    She does not want to leave. For obvious reasons, residency.

    My main question is our child's custody. I love my son. I am a doctor who is also studying to be a lawyer.

    I believe that I can give our son a more stable home and a better future.

    She does not have any professional or marketable job skill. She never finished school.

    Her family doesn't have any money. They are dependent on me.

    What should I do?

    What government agency can help me regarding child custody?

    Thank you.

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