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Posts posted by mane40

  1. We have a spousal visa application for him to come to US. The last thing is his interview in London. He has depression and alcohol in his medical history but none in past 4 years. Great note from his DR about his present health. We read there is a very real chance he will be denied. . But we are worried they will deny him the VISA and if they take his ESTA he can't visit the US to be with me. I work full time so impossible to go very often to the UK

  2. My UK husband will be interviewed in August for his VISA in London . I am a USA citizen. Everything has gone smooth so far. We are going over the paperwork he will need for the interview. My question is this: I have been married before and we are wondering if the copies of my divorce are good enough? I have read conflicting info about certified copies or just copies. The NVC approved the application and we just sent copies I made of the divorce decree...

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