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Posts posted by xiuyin

  1. When hubby went to BIo appointment they did not want to see his drivers license they wanted to see his GC, just FYI.......

    Which is only logical sister NArocks. As a permanent resident, we have to carry the original GC with us at all times; and are obliged by law to report it missing -which the OP did do- and file for a replacement as soon as possible -which the OP didn't do-.

    now, since it is so close to her ROC and new card being done; maybe she won't have much problems; but I would not bank on that.

    Would it make the situtation complicated when I have two cases pending at USCIS, one for ROC, and one for replacement of the missing card? Would it confuse the officers and cause them to reject both? From my past experience dealing with USCIS, many of the officers are simply go-by-the-book type of clerks. They either are not capabale of analysing and synthesizing and combinning cases, or they don't want to go beyond their daily works.

    Thanks a lot.

  2. When hubby went to BIo appointment they did not want to see his drivers license they wanted to see his GC, just FYI.......

    Which is only logical sister NArocks. As a permanent resident, we have to carry the original GC with us at all times; and are obliged by law to report it missing -which the OP did do- and file for a replacement as soon as possible -which the OP didn't do-.

    now, since it is so close to her ROC and new card being done; maybe she won't have much problems; but I would not bank on that.

    What is "OP"?

    I did reported it missing to the immigration officer at US ambassy in Beijing. However I didn't file for replacement b/c the deadline for sending in petition for ROC was approaching soon, and I didn't want to miss the deadline.

    Thaks a lot.

  3. I visited China in May, and lost my card while i was in China. I had to postpone my flight and go to the US embassy in Beijing where I was given a return letter. I returned back to US with the letter safely and smoothly. However I didn't apply for a replacement of the card, thinking i would apply for removal of conditions.

    I submitted petition to remove the conditions when i came back to US in June, and just received appointment for biometrics, in which I were asked to bring in green card among other things. I have a photo copy of the card. Now I'm concerned. Are the photo copy of the card along with the return letter from the US embassy good and sufficient? Are there anyone had similary problems like this? Can you share your experience?

    Thanks a lot.

  4. It's not 90 days to stay, it's 90 days to get married. If you file your AOS prior to the 90 day time limit, you will stay in status even though your K1 has expired.

    :star: Cass (bebop the great)

    Im just curious, bcoz k1 allowed to stay in 90days upon arrival. Does it mean once u get married ur date of stay will b adjusted? bcoz i can see here for greencard need more time to process!

    What record you need to keep to prove that you file within 90 day time limit? Is it the date you put on your I-485? or the time stamp on your receipt of registered mail? or the date of acknowledgement from INS?

    If i got married within 90 day time limit, however I didn't file for AOS until after 90 days, due to time constraints collecting all necessary papers, am i going to be "out of status"?


  5. There has been a lot of talk about case files being held in China customs for lengthy periods of time. I'm sure that this doesn't happen for most cases, but a few will probably get caught up in it. NVC doesn't use diplomatic mail, so case files are suspect to customs holds.

    Having lived in China for a while, I personally think that China customs does this on occasion just to rattle the chains of the US government. But that's beside the point, and ultimately it is something we can't control.

    We received our NVC letter on 9/16, so keep checking our timeline to see if it goes through quickly.

    Please keep us posted when the consulate receives yours. Good luck to you, and to every one.

  6. check out my timeline. up until a few days before she received her packet, the embassy at guangzhou told me they hadn't received it. it really will just show up at the door one day. it took like two months for our application to go from the NVC to Guangzhou. but, it took 3 months to go from the CSC to the NVC. it will be there soon. don't worry :)

    i don't know if it will do any good, but you can go here


    and send in an inquiry, but like i said, the package just showed up a few days later.

    zhu ni hao yun

    Did you call the consulate or sent in email inquiry when you were told that the consulate hadn't received it? I sent in email inquiries last week and the week before, and were told they didn't have it. Isn't it wierd that she got p3 while the consulate said they don't have it? I'll call the consulate in a few days to find it out. Good luck to you.

  7. One other thing your Timeline shows NVC received 5/11, and sent 8/10. 3 months at NVC? Wow I hope ours dose not take that long at NVC.

    Can you update your time line? I have been trying to get a grip about when NVC will be sending our petition to Guangzhou. And if the timelines are updated it helps.

    I got caught up by IMBRA and case was sent back to VSC. The general timeline does not apply any more. I embedded my timeline in the signature.

    "4 months" mentioned at Guangzhou consulate's website is a plain standard answer. It is universally applicable and does not offer much valuable information. It coincides with the validity period of NOA2.

    What i'm worried about is some stupid human mistakes either sending my package down to a wrong and unknown place, or holding it up somewhere unattended forever, or ...

    According to this: http://www.visajourney.com/timeline/k1list...;op4=1&op5= - it can take more than a month. Augh.

    It took 3 months in one of the two recorded instances to go from NVC to Guangzhou consulate. Do you believe it? There must have been something going on otherwise who would believe it take 3 months for a straight forward DHL process to complete!

  8. NVC sent my petition to Guangzhou Consulate in China on 8/10. It's been more than a month ever since. When I asked NVC, they told me it is sent to the consulate and all inquiries should be made to the consulate. However the consulate keeps telling me they don't have my petition. I feel helpless at this point. I don't know where my petition is now. Is it lost? How long it usually takes for the Guangzhou Consulate to receive it after NVC sent it? Any advice will be appreciated.

    I tried to track DHL packages sent on 8/10 from NVC to Guangzhou China. All but two have been delivered in the second week. The remaining two have been "at Gateway" in China since 8/21. I'm not sure if mine is one of the two. I called DHL and was told that they are waiting for the receipient's diplomatic paper to pass through chinese custom. What does this mean? Why all but two have long passed the custom?

  9. I received this today from the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China:

    "Evidence of support generally required of K1 visa: form I-134, a copy of the

    petitioner's most recent tax return, and proof of current employment. Other

    financial documents are optional."

    To be safe I have this and MORE. I have 3 years past tax returns to include W2's AND a notarized bank statement with the opening date, total deposits within the last year, and current amount. Just to be safe, but still I was surprised at what they sent.


    Keith & Xiang

    Did you receive your Packet4 today? Is that where the info above came from?

    We received the OF167 (2 pages) in packet 3. That talks all about the affidavit of support.

    Also the OF169 that we sent back from packet 3 had the evidence of support as one of the checkboxes.

    I did the I134 and had it notarized, also printed my 2005 1040 forms*, got a letter from work, and got a letter from one bank... and then at the interview my fiancee wasn't even asked for it :P But, better safe than sorry.

    *I had a bit of trouble getting the notary to do my tax forms; she said it didn't make sense what they were asking for, but in the end she stamped them.

    I did not have the employment or bank letter notarized. Page 2 "Affidavit of Support" doesn't state that they need to be. Though, that OF167 is not the most clear document I've ever read.

    Technically you only need enough income or savings to meet the federal poverty guidelines. When you file for AOS, you'll do a form similar to the I134 which is the I864. Honestly, it's much simpler than the I134. If you're curious about the federal poverty guideliness, see I864P.


    I received the information in an email from them, my fiancee is still waiting for packet #4, they sent it out on August 25, soon, very soon she'll receive it and send me a text message via cell phone that she has it.

    If everything goes well her and our daughter will be on a flight to Michigan on October 25th, wish us luck!


    Keith & Xiang

    Keith & Xiang, congratulations and good luck !

  10. What is Adminastrative Processing (or Adminastrative Review)? What will trigger it?

    http://www.usaimmigrationattorney.com/Secu...tiveReview.html - useful link

    There is a difference in Administrative Review and Administrative Processing. Bala and I were on Administrative Processing for almost eight months. We know there is a difference because whenever we would ask the DOS or Embassy about our "Review" they would correct us and say its "Processing not Review". We did not have any security checks ordered on our case, so our "processing" just involved the embassy "verifying information received at the interview". They made one phone call to my home (my son answered and they concluded I was living with a man here in the states ) and one phone call to Bala's home (and concluded from that call, that he was going to America to work), as far as we know and from what they told us, this is what our "administrative processing " consisted of. And it took a whole eight months to do that. As far as what can trigger it? "red flags". 1) Im older than Bala, 2) Im divorced,3) my ex husband is Asian. There are other things considered "red flags", and each CO can choose what they want to investigate further. No two petitions are alike, no two embassys are alike, and no to CO's are alike. So it just depends on a lot of things as to if you fall into Administrative Processing. Hope this helps. Best of luck to all.


    Thanks for sharing the information. It helps. Best wish to you.

  11. Thank you all for ALL the advice and ALL the comments - pro and con. Now I want to say something.

    I am just a humble, man. I am not afraid to admit my tremendous love for my wife. I now that today men have an issue doing this in public but with age comes wisdom. I have learned that there is nothing wrong for a man to admit love to the world to the most wonderful woman alive. And yes, I keep using the title "wife" for my Kat because in our hearts we are already married - regardless of what any government paperwork says or doesn't say. We have committed ourselves to each other for the rest of our lives - period. It does not matter what others think about my words in this post.

    AmericanWoman.....your post made sense. I only write that we have exchanged 700 letters because it's the truth and because I thought that the more letters that were written between the two of us the better the proof that our love actually existed. Your right though, they could be reading VJ and thus take this info the wrong way.

    I thank Kit for her words of wisdom. And I think she is correct. The system is broken. Someone has to attempt things that have not been attempted before or we will never know what to do or not to do. I am willing to take this risk. Why.....why would I take such a big risk????

    Well, I have run out of things to tell my pre-teenaged daughters who constantly ask me when their new friend is coming to us. I am running out of things to tell my wife when she writes desperate letters to me asking when, and why this is happening to us. I am constantly worried for her because she is not just some female looking for a free ticket to America. I won't get too much into detail here, but her situation is a little bit more serious. All I will say is that her life is seriously in danger where she is right now. And her husband that pledges his life to her cannot do a damn thing to help her!!!!!!!! Desperation????? yes, I would call it that about now!!!

    I continuously write letters to her because I dread the day I do not recieve a letter from her. No letters from her is a serious sign of trouble. So we keep writing. Yes, we repeat alot of things over and over again, but who cares, we love to hear them. So we continue to write them.

    As many of you all know.......us men are the fixers-of-problems. That is how we are wired. We do things to fix things. Just simply sitting here waiting for a broken system to correct itself is not being constructive or productive from my stand point. I am now continuosly on my knees praying. It is helping me. I am strong today. Normally I'd be all in pieces. But my faith keeps me going.

    I had a strange dream last night. I was in the CSC and I found boxes and boxes of all our applications. In the last box I looked into, I found my file all seperated and torn apart. Nightmares????? Yes, I would call this a nightmare about now.

    Ok, I will get down from the soapbox now. Note, I admit these things to all not for your pity - but I will humbly and definitely accept all your prayers about now. I'm human like the rest of you all. I'm a man desperately waiting for the woman who pledges to love me for eternity is all.

    Now if someone responds back that this is all BS.........oh well..........I can't stop those of you who feel that way. Like Gary once said......."it's pretty much every man for himself now". The world does not care about my Kat or me, or kitkat, or american woman or william or gary or anyone else on this forum. It is too busy trying to make money or start another war somewhere.

    Love is becoming a thing of the past every day. I choose to keep it alive. We all have choices to make in this life. I have made mine. Now you all go out there and make your choice of how you want to live your lives.


    I didnt mean anything to offend or upset when I asked about your "wife". I was just confused. But you know these CO's will hang on every word sometimes and it may give you a problem when it comes to interviewing, if they are aware of this. I also refer to my fiance as my husband and he refers to me as his wife, for the exact same reasons that you do. We made our commitment in our hearts, to us we are man and wife, all thats lacking is the "legal ceremony". Im sorry that you are finding it so hard to be away from your fiance, but you should know and understand that the visa journey is not always easy for everyone. My fiance and I have been at this for over a year and we have hit every snag possible, and we are looking at maybe another 6 months to a year of fight left to go. Hopefully and prayerfully your petition will go forward now without anymore glitches and you and your fiance will be reunited. But it will help to always be prepared for the possibility that it may be awhile. I learned early on that you can either drive yourself crazy or you can take it one day at a time and survive this hell call immigration. MY best to you!!!


    What is Adminastrative Processing (or Adminastrative Review)? What will trigger it?

  12. Congratulations! When did the Consulate receive your petition from nvc after nvc sent it on 4/25? Mine was sent from nvc on 8/9. It was delivered on 8/21 in terms of dhl tracking. However, the consulate told be they don't have my petition. Does it sound right to you? I'm kind of lost. don't know where to go for the status. Congratulations again.

    DHL may have delivered the package to customs but the package takes forever to clear the Chinese customs. I'm not sure why this is, they receive the same type of packages each month, could be the Chinese Homeland Security??? All that I can say is to have patience. When I was in China this past November I had a great time, I didn't want to leave, but I knew that my fiancee and our daughter would be here in the United States with me soon (did I say soon???). In a few years we'll vacation in China, that will be fun.

    The DHL tracking history tells that "Clearance processing complete" at 11:26 am 8/21 (that's 10 days after the package arrived at Guangzhou), and "Shipment delivered" at 2:55 pm. Does "Clearance processing complete" mean custom or security clearance? and "Shipment delivered" actual delivery of the package to the consulate?

    Tracking history

    Date and Time Status Location

    8/21/2006 2:55 pm Shipment delivered. Guangzhou, China Why is this?

    2:06 pm With delivery courier. Guangzhou, China

    1:33 pm Arrived at DHL facility. Guangzhou, China

    12:20 pm In transit. Guangzhou, China

    11:26 am Clearance processing complete. Guangzhou, China

    8/11/2006 11:06 pm At Gateway. Guangzhou, China

    11:06 pm On Hand. Guangzhou, China

    11:06 pm Arrived at DHL facility. Guangzhou, China

    11:06 pm On Hand. Guangzhou, China

    10:55 pm Arrived at DHL facility. Guangzhou, China

    4:26 pm In transit. Kowloon, Hong Kong

    8/9/2006 2:46 pm Picked Up by DHL. Shipper's Door

  13. Well before going to bed last night I checked my email, this is what I found in my email, very good news!!!

    Please be advised that we have received your returned forms for (our daughters name here).

    Cell phones are not permitted in the interview area, but we have some

    cabinets for the applicants to store their things before they enter the

    interviewing room.

    Once an interview date is set, we will mail an appointment packet to the


    To respond to this email, use only the web form at

    www.usembassy-china.org.cn/guangzhou/iv/email.html. E-mails sent via

    "reply" will not be received.


    Immigrant Visa Unit

    U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou

    1 Shamian South Street

    Guangzhou, Guangdong 510133


    Fax: 86-20-38844412

    Thanks everyone,

    Keith & Xiang

    Keith and Xiang, it is 2 and half months from 4/25 when nvc sent your petition to 7/7 when your fiancee received p3 ! Is it real? What happened in between? why it took so long for them to mail out p3? this is suck! nvc sent mine on 8/9. are we going to see p3 end of Oct?

    I'm not sure what took them so long? I believe that it may have been customs? Anyways, looks like the K1 Fiancee Visa is back in progress, I can't wait to hold my sweetheart in my arms once more!!! We're both extremely happy about the news, heck I couldn't even sleep last night, you'd think that Xiang had already had her interview the way that I was last night!!!


    Keith & Xiang

    Congratulations! When did the Consulate receive your petition from nvc after nvc sent it on 4/25? Mine was sent from nvc on 8/9. It was delivered on 8/21 in terms of dhl tracking. However, the consulate told be they don't have my petition. Does it sound right to you? I'm kind of lost. don't know where to go for the status. Congratulations again.

  14. My fiancee has sent thus far 2 packages to the US Consulate in Guangzhou, China. One package arrived at the Little White Goose Hotel on July 29, 2006, the other arrived again at the Little White Goose Hotel on August 19, 2006. I have emailed the US Consulate's Office on several occassions, each time the reply back was that they never received the packages. Just today I have paid for my fiancee to place a phone call to them, the cost is $6.75, very reasonable for peace of mind. They informed her that they didn't receive the packages but gave her a fax number to fax the biological form needed for her/our daughters interview. This is for a K1 Fiancee Visa.

    Has anyone else encountered problems with the hotel there giving the packages/mail to the US Consulate? This is very aggrevating as my fiancee is having to take time away from work each time she has to send out the package.


    Keith & Xiang

    Wow, it is 2 and half months from 4/25 when nvc sent your petition to 7/7 when your fiancee received p3 ! Is it real? What happened in between? why it took so long for them to mail out p3? this is suck! nvc sent mine on 8/9. are we going to see p3 end of Oct?

    Just noted Your question on Guangzhou and their response in regard to mailings.

    Our experience has been that when we emailed in response to never hearing anything, They obviously just send a routine email "WITH OUT Checking Anything" Again after 3 + Months of waiting to hear that they "Received our Case File. They told me this time that They still have not received, Note this email was

    on July 5, 2006 after another few weeks I telephoned the Department of state in washington DC to ask what is possible going on there, They looked it up and told me that the file was received and sent back to USCIS on july 1, 2006. When I asked about the july 5 date email the guy was baffled and I told him this is why I called, Nobody in Guangzhou seems to really know what is going on, and Perhaps just does not care what goes on there. Now the latest, They have sent back the case file on July 1, 2006 Fine,but where is it ? No change of online status, No RFE Hmmm Me thinks no one there is competant !

    I am sure that when I do finally get the RFE and return it, it will sit in USCIS for 60 days before the long road to china and sitting there again for 3-4 months before my Fiance may receive her P-3 Package,

    Well, hope You two have better luck, send EVERYTHING FEDEX with a retunr recipt, allways keep copies and allways question these people often. Keep in touch,

    Well they have the P-3, at least a majority of it, minus the form G-325A Biographic Information for our daughter. Our daughter has been with her biological mother/my fiancee since birth, the same G-325A that applies to my fiancee would also apply for our daughter. Well the form was once again mailed out from Guangxi, China to the U.S. Consulate's Office in Guangzhou, China AND also faxed there. I pray that they can find the other two copies or at least get the fax and/or the last/3rd mailed copy of the form. This has been the only delay for us (knock on wood) thus far, other than the package from the U.S. clearing customs (they receive packages on a monthly basis, why the hold up at customs???).

    By the way Henry, where are you and your fiancee from, if you don't mind my asking?


    Keith & Xiang

    Keith and Xiang, it is 2 and half months from 4/25 when nvc sent your petition to 7/7 when your fiancee received p3 ! Is it real? What happened in between? why it took so long for them to mail out p3? this is suck! nvc sent mine on 8/9. are we going to see p3 end of Oct?

  15. I have recently sent emails to the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China and have received replies back in just one day. Anyone else encounter this? I have to give Guangzhou Kudos for the very, very prompt replies to my emails, all that I can say is "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!".


    Keith & Xiang

    Hi, can i ask you a question? Which form do you use for your daughter's biological information? I hava a daughter of age 10. Do u think it's a good idea to send in her biological informatin along with packet 3, to avoid delay in process? Thank you.

  16. Hi everyone, I received rfe yesterday, and plan to answer "no" to question #1 with an attachment. I would like to here your guys comments on if it is the right thing to do. Thanks a lot in advance.


    I came to know my dear fiancée at jiaoyou8.com which provides internet based networking service. It physically located in Beijing, P.R. China. Its contact information follows:

    A48 Zhi Chun Lu, Ying Du Da Sha, Suite C3-18C

    Hai Dian District, Bejing 100098

    P.R. China

    Phone: 86-10—58732120

    Email: cs@jiaoyou8.com

    I answered “no” to the question since I believe jiaoyou8.com can be exempted from the IMBRA law under the provisions of section 4 (B) (ii) based on the following ground. I am standing corrected should my interpretation of the law prove inaccurate.

    First of all, the principal business of jiaoyou8.com is not to provide international dating

    services between United States citizens or United States residents and foreign nationals. It provides networking services to Chinese people in China and around the world. The web pages at jiaoyou8.com are mainly written in Chinese. All of its registered members are of Chinese race. 45% of them, male and female, are from China. I saw members from Korean, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, England, France, Germany, Italy, and many other countries as well. It facilitates members in looking for life friends and career friends besides long term marriage-leading relationship.

    Secondly, its basic membership is free. I upgraded my membership to advanced one for six months and paid $59.70. With the advanced membership, I can highlight my profile to make it standing out, upload up to 10 photos (verses three for basic membership) along with some other features. The membership fee schedule and services are equally applicable to everyone regardless of the individual’s gender or country of citizenship.

    I would also like to bring to your attention that it was on January 26th of year 2006 when I first met my fiancée at jiaoyou8.com. It was before the law was passed and none of us were aware of the law at the time.

  17. Hi, i'm planning to say no to question #1 with an attachment explaining why I chose to say no. I would like to hear you guy's comments. Thanks in advance. The attachment text follows.

    I came to know my dear fiancée at jiaoyou8.com which provides internet based networking service. It physically located in Beijing, P.R. China. Its contact information follows:

    A48 Zhi Chun Lu, Ying Du Da Sha, Suite C3-18C

    Hai Dian District, Bejing 100098

    P.R. China

    Phone: 86-10—58732120

    Email: cs@jiaoyou8.com

    I answered “no” to the question since I believe jiaoyou8.com can be exempted from the IMBRA law under the provisions of section 4 (B) (ii) based on the following ground. I am standing corrected should my interpretation of the law prove inaccurate.

    First of all, the principal business of jiaoyou8.com is not to provide international dating

    services between United States citizens or United States residents and foreign nationals. It provides networking services to Chinese people in China and around the world. The web pages at jiaoyou8.com are mainly written in Chinese. All of its registered members are of Chinese race. 45% of them, male and female, are from China. I saw members from Korean, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, England, France, Germany, Italy, and many other countries as well. It facilitates members in looking for life friends and career friends besides long term marriage-leading relationship.

    Secondly, its basic membership is free. I upgraded my membership to advanced one for six months and paid $59.70. With the advanced membership, I can highlight my profile to make it standing out, upload up to 10 photos (verses three for basic membership) along with some other features. The membership fee schedule and services are equally applicable to everyone regardless of the individual’s gender or country of citizenship.

    I would also like to bring to your attention that it was on January 26th of year 2006 when I first met my fiancée at jiaoyou8.com. It was before the law was passed and none of us were aware of the law at the time.

  18. What is 125% income requirement?

    Hey devilette not sure if all embassies are the same but the one in taiwan states (for affidavit of support)

    II. Joint sponsor's documents (if required):

    ( ) Form I-864 completed by a joint sponsor if the petitioner's income does not meet the 125% income requirement. Note: The petitioner must also submit an I-864.

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