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Posts posted by ikeben

  1. Also checked CEAC just now. I'm on AP. I hope that's a norm after interview. Before my Bloop pressure will spike

    I wouldn't be worried about that.

    If it tells you necessary AP then they are finalizing steps to print your visa and stamp in your passport.

    For all those wondering, here are the steps:

    - You have gotten an interview letter and your case is now ready at the consulate - it will be marked Ready

    - You go for the interview and succeed. They tell you congrats and when you can pick up the winning passport - it will be marked Administrative Processing. However, read below and you'll see it says "necessary administrative processing" and that it may take weeks. This is because they are finishing up your scans and printing up your immigrant visa to stamp in your passport and also sending the approval to the department of state to let them know that in 6 months you should be on your way there. A few days later it will read "issued" even before you are told to come pick it up. Every winning passport goes through this phase


    - You go to the interview and bomb and they hand you the losing passport after a flat out denial (maybe inadmissibility for some god forsaken reason) - this now reads refused on the CEAC portal

    - You go to the interview and bomb but they keep your passport and tell you to come back citing missing documents, more information needed, more proof of relationship (or some other God forsaken reason) - this now reads Administrative Processing on the portal with specific details telling you more information is needed or that more time is needed to process your case (this is where you do NOT want to be). If your AP is approved, it will now read ready once more. Then it will read AP again (necessary AP) and finally issued.

    Source: my lawyer worked for the dept of state for 18 years before going into immigration law.

    Hope this helps

  2. Yes, only there is always a chance to get on administrative processing, which would delay your case and what i wouldn't wish to anybody.

    Well, I sent my package on the 1st of September(from Lithuania) and still no email, that they have received it.

    Is your Priority Date current?

    If not, they may delay the response as was in my case. I sent in all my paperwork 2 months in advance and never got a notice of receipt until the 2 days after my number became available and priority date current.

    Hang tight, it's coming...

  3. @ ikeben...we await your feedback. I'm next in line. ?

    Whoa - you're almost there. Wishing you the best of Luck. I hope yours goes as smoothly as mine.

    Feedback? Check this out...

    Once I got to the actual interview process?

    20 minutes tops. I did an NVC approved DNA test for parental proof so I was asked no questions. They just wanted me to present myself so they could make sure the guy in the passport was indeed me and that the fingerprints matched what they had on file.

    You might want to check out my entire review in my timeline...

    Once more, wishing you the best.

    However, here are few pointers the I deduced while waiting, watching and listening:

    - Make sure you have concrete proof of your relationship (DO NOT give them room for any doubt whatsoever). I saw so many admin processing and flat denials that day because a few details were missing. If you are missing some file on that day - you go on AP, no questions asked. This can take 11 days to months to a year (stats for this specific consulate at least). Don't give them that opportunity. Go through your list of required docs in your interview letter and bring them all - and then some.

    - Be as honest as heck. If you made a mistake on your application, make sure to point it out during the interview so they correct it. If they find it out before you do, question arise leading to the dreaded AP.

    - If there is something you are not sure of (dates, events etc), please say you don't know or don't remember. NEVER pick or randomize.

    - Keep the banter with the officer to a minimum. You'll say something to maybe contradict a prior statement.

    - Begging will not help your case. These guys have seen it all and have the ultimate "poker face."

    While waiting, I counted a good 30 cases maybe, with probably only 4-5 approvals (the officer gives you a loud "congratulations!" when you get approved). The rest were yellow slips.

    And remember, just as your files are being reviewed - so are the officers themselves reviewed. Don't think they get let off the hook for issuing visas with missing or detrimental info. So arguing with them is a complete waste of time - if you're told to go get more documentation, go get it. You will NOT be granted a pass because you were president of the debate team.

    Hope this helps future applicants.

  4. Your priority date is 2008 and you're getting the interview letter now? Or did you mean April 2009 priority date?

    Indeed, my APR 29 2008 priority date became current as of Jan 2016.

    Despite sending in everything (nothing rejected or dismissed in terms of paperwork), It took the NVC a whopping 8 months to complete my case.

    This was in the midst of calling, writing, getting the case expedited and getting my petitioner's congressman to add pressure.

    So I wake up one morning, check my email and there it is: the "Silver" letter ("gold is the actual approval that gets you across the finish line).

    Needless to say I am dismayed yet uncomplaining nonetheless.

    All is well that ends well I guess.

    And look what we have here: September's bulletin is estimated to jump forward a whole 4 months - awesome. Hope you guys all get your letters and meet your loved ones.

    Good luck to everyone on this forum and I hope and pray they don't have to go through what I've been through.


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