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Posts posted by Cerisee_28

  1. 1 minute ago, Sagot said:

    Once you have your ECC  there should not be any extra fees at the airport... but who knows... Welcome to the Philippines. ;) 

    This is so true. You'd think I know by now since I've been here for 5 years >.> 😂

  2. Hey guys! Thank you so so so much for answering. I sort of figured it out. But my aunt and dad were still a bit worried about it. And yeah, I'll be paying all my fines at the immigration. But if I do that, would I still have to pay extra at the airport? I saw in a post here before that the person had to pay extra at the airport, I just need to get the cleared up.


    As for me doing my dual citizenship. I will probably still do it but once I get back to California. That would be the easiest plus I think it would be cheaper, If I'm not mistaken.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Jojo92122 said:

    The US doesn't care that you overstayed in the PI.

    So they wouldn't ask questions once I reach SFO airport? Okay, thanks for the heads up. People surrounding me kept telling me to search up the possible questions that the customs might ask once they see I overstayed. 

  4. Hi! So a couple of months ago I posted on this thread about doing my dual citizenship. I was about to start the process but my dad stopped me. Instead, he'll pay for my penalties along with how much I owe. Now my question is once I go back to California, at the customs/immigration area what are the possible questions will they have? Seeing as they'll know I overstayed in the Philippines. I'm just asking to prepare myself. I'll hopefully leave by June 1st once I get all my payments settled around May.


    Thank you for the help!

  5. Very similar situation but I paid my overstay since I wanted to get out of there!

    My sister on the other hand fixed her Recognition (Like Dual citizenship) and was able to come to the US in 3 months. She stayed in the Philippines for about 15 years, imagine how much she would have paid!

    But why would you have an overstay? Couldn't you just apply for a Philippine passport in Manila with your Philippine birth cert? You would show the Filipino passport when you leave the country, and show your US passport when you go back home to the US.

    Most cases, people who are US citizens at birth want the Filipino passport to leave the Philippines.

    Oh wow, 15 years?? Well at least I know I have a chance to get out of here aha. I just have to work on my papers. Actually, I have to wait for my dad's passport. So hopefully by next year I'll be out of here.

    That's what I actually wanted to do. Since I have a birth cert here, I wanted to just get a passport but everyone kept telling me that I might have a problem once I get to SFO cause they'd be looking for a stamp on my passport that I won't have. They said I might get detained or something like that.

    Sorry for the very very very late reply. I've been so busy trying to get everything together that I forgot about this fourm. ??

  6. Same thing happened to my classmate, a USC, but he thought he could get away with it. The school couldn't give him his diploma since he was supposed to be registered as a foreign student. The Cebu immigration is a bit corrupt so he got away with it. Did you have any issues with your school?

    Actually I didn't have any issues with my school. So I'm glad about that.

  7. I forgot you lose the other citizenship one you become a US citizen. Call the embassy and tell them your situation they will definitely help you.

    I should really call the USEmbassy. To see if they have any advise. But everyone of my relatives.. Keeps bringing me to the BI. (At least the ones that drive me around Manila..) Seeing as they know people there.

    Thanks for the help :)

  8. As of now your only option Igor your mom to come to your country with her certificate of naturalization and I hope you have your green card and I hope as well you have your passport you entered with to thw Philippines to show that you were in the US and underage and you were a permand nt resident. Than. Go to embassy and apply for a passport.

    And please do yourself a favor apply for a certificate of citizenship so you can be dependent and dont have to rely on your moms certificate in the futur. Many people that certificate of citizenship is not important I think its crucial. You can't apply for dual citizenship. You are already a dual citizen c you just didn't go through what you are supposed to go through before you left the U.S.

    I'm not a dual citizen just yet. If i was BI wouldn't have advised me to apply for one. When my mom applied for the US citizen that takes my Filipino citizenship away. At least that's what they told me. So i'd have to apply for a dual citizenship/recognition of Filipino citizenship..

    Please forgive me if i'm not making any sense. It's literally 1 in the morning. And I'm dealing with things instead of sleeping. ?

  9. Thanks for the info, 4-5 months is too long .. darn. Looks like we will have to do it through the consulate here in the USA. Thanks again.

    I feel like it's better to have applied for a dual citizenship in the USA anyways. Sort of regret not doing it back in 2011, before I left. It's awhole lot cheaper. Depending on the state you live in, it should be aroun 50-60 dollars. But if you did it here, that's around 15,000 pesos. So around 300 dollars. More or less. ??

  10. There is absolutely no issue traveling back to the states as a dual citizen. As a USC you must enter and exit the USA with your U.S. passport, no issue presenting both at POE, but CBP is only interested in your U.S. passport. There are many dual citizens traveling back and forth between the USA and the Phils.

    As for dual citizenship, if BI told you the overstay will be forgiven once you obtain your dual citizenship then you should have no worries. Dual citizenship is next on our list while we are there this winter ... not sure of the time frame to get this accomplished in the Phils, keep me posted on that .... maraming salamat .

    With just U.S. citizenship your stay is limited to 1 year (one day short of a year is best) as you can get the BB stamp in your passport ;)

    Thank you so much for replying! Well this eased my mind up a whole lot. The usual time frame for the dual citizenship is usually 4-5 months (that is if you have all your paperworks in hand with you already). Well at least that's what they told me in person. But apparently mines going to be a bit longer seeing as all the paperwork i need (besides a letter and the affidavit and birth certificates) are with my parents in California ?

    But thank you oh so very much for this! ??

  11. Okay so I don't even know where to start. But I'll start with this. I was born in the Philippines, both my parents are Filipino citizens at that time. Fast forward to 6 years later and my family moved to America. So I've lived in America for 12-13 years. Please note here my mom applied for an American citizenship and when she did that I was underage so I also became an american citizen.

    Anyways fast forward again to June 2011. I went back to the Philippines for college. I didn't apply for a dual citizenship then. Which I knew I should have but didn't >.>

    Now it's 2016 and I'm done with college. Wanting to actually go back to America but i need to deal with the taxes, penalties or dual citizenship. But the people at the bureau of immigration told me I had two choices.. The first choice is to pay 100k pesos plus the penalities or the second choice was to apply for a dual citizenship and I wouldnt have to pay the overstay fee of 5 years :/ (I didn't realize this was still an option because i've been here for 5-6 years already.)

    Anyways my question is, is that true? If i applied for a dual citizenship I wouldn't have to pay for the overstay fee?

    And the second thing is when I do apply for the dual citizenship, and I get to go back to my family in America.. I'm actually scared that I'll be detained at the airport even though i'd have both passports. (The US and Philippines passport.) Would that even happened?

    Ugh. What have I gotten myself into.

    I really hope someone gives me an advice on this. I really need it ahaa.

    Thank you guys for reading :)

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