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Posts posted by maruh

  1. Does anyone know the answer to this question? My husband is working on his PhD and we want to have the visa ready when he's done. We know that he will be done early next year but don't know exactly when. If we apply now and get the next packet to submit, how much time do we have inbetween? Can we delay submitting by a month or two, depending on if he needs a little more time? Once you do the interview and are approved, you have six months to enter the country, correct?


  2. Our marriage certificate is in German, and then stuff like our bank info and last page of our rent contract. Oh, also my name change after I got married is in German. That's about it, though. Fortunately you don't have to get a certified translator and can just have someone who knows both languages translate it, so it's not *that* big of a hassle. :)

    What kind of proof of a bona fide marriage did you submit? How long did your I-130 processing take?

    Have you done the medical yet?

  3. https://travel.state.gov/content/dam/visas/pk%203%20supplements/FRN%20-%20Frankfurt

    Frankfurt does not need translations for German documents, only translations for any documents in a language not English or German.

    Hey, thanks for your reply!

    Hm, that's interesting. I've read from other people too that you don't need documents in German to be translated to English, but when I emailed the consulate, they told me that the documents need to be translated, even the checklist online says so. Maybe it just depends on who you ask at the consulate...? It seems a bit confusing :)

  4. Thank you for your help.

    In addition to bank info and rent contract, what other documents are helpful to attach to prove that the marriage is bona fide?

    I've read that it's helpful to attach affadavits from people who say that the marriage is bona fide. How many affadavits should I get? I've also read it's good to send pictures, how many pictures should I send?

    Does the translator for the documents need to sign an affadavit that they are official? Or if it's from a certified translator that has some kind of stamp, would that suffice?

    Thanks again! :content:

  5. Hi all, I'm new here to the whole process and I have a few questions. I was wondering if it's possible to get anyone on the phone to ask questions about filing the petition I-130. I tried looking on the website about making an appointment, but there's no option to selection for information about the I-130.

    Maybe you guys could help me with my questions:

    Do all documents needs to be translated from German to English? (for submittal in Frankfurt) I've read conflicting reports on whether it needs to be translated or not. If the documentation needs to be translated, does a certified translator need to do the translation, or can anyone who can speak German and English translate them (besides us, the petitioner and the beneficiary)?

    What kind of proof of a joint bank account needs to be shown? Do they mean a signed contract of the account that we did together, or a print-out from online?

    Thanks for your help!

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