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Posts posted by lostwoman

  1. It's easier for people to know the answers when you type outside the quotes. Just an FYI. I coloured your quotes in red so people know which is your answers and which are not.

    So your city is close to a state line? That makes sense then. I'm still unsure why you can't live in your state if it's a few minutes away?

    I'm unsure how you think my situation is blessed? I gave you advice and yes, it probably sounded a little judgmental, but you didn't give much information either, so we're going off what you have to say, which was very little.

    Because I don't think you understand, due to your "blessed" comment here it is again:

    I don't live with my child and it hurts every day. She chose to live with her dad and it hurts EVERY DAY. I get to see her every 3 months for about 10 days at a time (and a month in the summer) and putting her back on that plane hurts so much I cannot explain it. BUT I would never have moved if I felt she wasn't in a safe environment, with a loving father. That I hopefully would be able to provide her with a better life if she ever did decide to live with me instead of living pay check to pay check. However AGAIN, what you should do it up to you. I'm telling you that likely will regret that decision. Leaving your child with someone who is neglectful for whatever reason, is just bad parenting on your part (and theirs.) I would rather live pay check to pay check than ever leave my child with someone who would neglect, ignore, or harm her in any way, shape, or form.

    I am not leaving my child with him. I already stated I was planning to. And if I would, his baby sitter (my friend) would spend more time with him than him. Since he is always away from home and only spend 2 days off at home. So, do not tell me that I am just as neglectful as the father.

    Well, I am sorry about your child choosing the father over you. I know how it feels to be hurt, as I am in that situation. Thanks for the advice.

    I am not leaving my child with him. I said I was planning to but does not mean, I am . And if I would, his baby sitter (my friend) would spend more time with him than him. Since he is always away from home and only spend 2 days off at home. So, do not tell me that I am just as neglectful as the father.

    Well, I am sorry about your child choosing the father over you. I know how it feels to be hurt, as I am in that situation. Thanks for the advice.

  2. You just said he ignored you and your child due to an addiction, but now you're going to leave your child with him? Makes perfect sense. :wow:

    I am here for an advice. You do not know my situation, it is easier for you to say that

    Why the heck do you have a job out of state? Are there really no jobs in your state? I would want my spouse to get a closer part time job over having a full time job out of state. My husband has to do work training out of state and it's hard enough. I know some families do the out of state xx weeks on, xx weeks off, because a job pays well, but generally it's the main bread winner that does that (aka the person who's paying most of the bills.)

    There are many job in my State, as I stated above. I do not have a driver's license yet. In the town where I live does not have good paying job. My work place is few minutes away from where I used to live.

    Once your child arrived in the USA with an immigrant visa he became a USC. He may not have been able to to the CRBA, but your child is a USC. He's entitled to a passport but that requires both parents consent. You could speak to your spouse about getting your child a passport and moving back to the PI if that's what you want.

    IMHO, if you really are done with your marriage, you need to figure out how this is going to work out with your child. I know what I would do, but what you should do is up to you. My child doesn't live with me, and I'm the mom, but her father is an excellent father, she's surrounded by close family on his side (so a bigger support system) and we have good communication. I would have never left her with him if I was ever worried about her safety, or the care he provided her with, or if we didn't communicate well about her and her future. She lives with her dad because SHE wanted to. If she wanted to live with me, he would have accepted that as well. If she was too young to make a decision about that, I wouldn't be living in the USA.

    Not everyone is as blessed as you are.

  3. According to North Carolina law, if a parent violates another parent’s custodial or visitation rights by keeping the child away from that parent, it is considered parental kidnapping. This is the result if a parent simply refuses to return the child, and when a parent flees with a child

    you can not take the child out of north carolina without his consent

    as to the other you will find you do need to file police reports / some things can not be avoided / do you realize not filing can be worse if he follows and causes trouble

    get a lawyer

    I do not want to hurt my husband even more by filing a police report. I forgave him and I want him to move on with his life. Thanks for the sharing with me the NC law.

  4. Also some judges would find at this time best interest of the child is with dad since you are living in a hotel. Dads in the family home where your child has his toys bed ect. You need legal council asap.

    I am really thinking of leaving my child with him. As of now, I have nothing, no car, no place to stay. I do have a job but it is outside the State where I live. I want to get an Apt. or house, but very impossible to get one that is close to my work place or coworkers who I can carpool with. I am just lost. It's going to be hard to leave my kid as I know how he can be neglectful with him.

  5. No, you should not leave the state.

    Yes, in theory if you receive means tested benefits, your sponsors could be required to repay it. In reality this rarely happens.

    You should change your address once you are somewhere more permanent.

    Your 10-year GC is yours to keep. The only change is that now you have to wait 5 years to file for citizenship.

    Thank you for the reply. I am also thinking of not to leave the State.

    Okay, I will follow what you say, once I have more permanent place to live.

    I do not mind waiting 5 years. For the sake of my son to be here with his dad, I will apply for naturalization. I really wanted to go back to my country right now, where I could get more help.

  6. I am hurting right now...really bad. I am married to a U.S. citizen. I have to leave as he started to become very controlling. He wanted me to quit my full time job to find a part time. I am still learning to drive and every time I tried to set up an appointment for driving lesson. He would tell me to cancel them. He also has addiction that my child and I are neglected most of the time by him. He had makes promises to me but he always break them. I can go on, and yes, there are 2 sides to every story. I am not a perfect wife but I do everything, comprise and change everything for him, so my family would stay intact. I just have enough it. I left him today.

    I have 10 years green card and a child (my husband and I's child), who is not a U.S. citizen yet. I wanted to talk to my husband and ask his permission to go out of State. I still want my child to be able to see his dad and involve in his life growing up; same goes for my husband, I do not want to steal his parental right away from him. Anyway, he did not want to talk to me and meet me at a place I told him to go. It hurts so bad that we have to be separated. We've been together for 8 years. Almost 5 years to our wedding Anniversary. I do not know what to do or where to go right now as he does not want to talk to me.

    My questions are:

    1. Am I be able to go out of State with my child without being in trouble or charge with kidnapping?

    2. If I ask any assistance from the U.S. government in the future, are my sponsor and joint sponsor going to have to pay for it? (I do not want that to happen though)

    3. Should I change my address immediately? as of right now. I am at a hotel

    4. What will happen to my 10 years green card, now that I am separated with my husband?

    5. When I apply for naturalization, is separation from U.S. citizen spouse going to be a hindrance of being approved?

    Thank you for reading and hoping to get information.

    Thanks in advance.

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