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Posts posted by dset

  1. Hey there, I was wondering if anyone had an example cover letter for the Adjustment of Status for a k1 visa? I can't seem to find one relatively up to date from a search and there isnt' one on the example forms link on this site.

    Also, I know this may have been asked once before, or many haha but could someone just look over and make sure I have all the appropriate documents for the AOS of a K1 visa?


    Cover page/letter(dont have yet)

    Copy of passport (immigrant) (is it just biographics and entry or more? previous visas? should i copy it all?)

    Copy of passport k1 visa

    Copy of NAO2 (I129F approval) letter

    Copy of electronic I-94

    Birth Certificate/English Translation
    Marriage Certificate
    Two passport style photos with A# on back in bag on paper. (do i need more for employment/travel document?)
    I-693 (medical document from k1 visa vaccination appointment)
    Affidavit of Support

    Co-sponsor Affidavit of Support (plus additional info)

    Employment Authorization(do i need the photos for this since i already included some?)
    Application for Travel Document (same question as above, photos?

    Am i missing anything at all? Thank you so much.

  2. If you are going to change your name through marriage, then you use the married name on all the AOS forms. It will take months and cost you hundreds more to change the name on a green card that has already been issued. Get everything done in the married name to begin with. There is no confusion to it. You have a marriage certificate that acts as your legal name change document, and the USCIS sees this exact same scenario many many times a day.

    So let me understand this correctly, we get married and the license acts as the name change.

    Do we submit AOS first or do we go to Social Security office and change her name on her social security number first?

    Secondly, on the AOS, employment authorization and other travel form, if she changes her name, does she put her new name on that form, or her maiden name? I haven't really looked over the APS form in detail but does it make mention of current name and maiden?

    Thank you

  3. Thank you for proper move to the right forum.

    and Thank you p-ana for the help. I will fill out the form them since they're free (with the other) in case of emergency.

    Another question I had I just remembered. For my fiance's name change, would it be easier to wait and do it once her GC is received or should we do it right after the wedding? I feel it may cause more confusion if we do it now and have to fill out all the forms.

  4. So my fiance will be here next week (YIPPEEE).

    And i had a few questions in regards to the next steps. (Yes, i did search but found conflicting info)

    I know she needs to apply for a social security number but already has one from her summers working on a J1 visa, do we need to go to the SS office still, or is that fine since she has one already?

    The next step would be marriage license and marriage.

    Heres another part i'm confused on. we apply for the Adjustment of Status(I-485)

    It says we can apply for the employment authorization(I-765) during the same time for no additional fee. is that correct and do i mail it in with the I-485 in the same envelope?

    also, i saw mention of a I-131. What is the exact purpose of this form, do we need to fill it out? mentions re-entry, the only time my fiance plans to leave the US is to visit her family on maybe 1-2 week visits, but nothing immediately. Maybe next January.

    And this gets mailed to Chicago correct? Thats what i found under the USCIS website for the filing location.

    Also, are there any samples filled out of the I-485 and I-765?

    Once everything is sent in for the AOS, is it simply a waiting game then until biometrics visit and interview?

    Am i missing anything else?

    Thank you very much!!! Any additional help would be wonderful.

    PS: this is what i'm currently referring to.

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