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Posts posted by Rfranca267

  1. The ceremonies are all held at the Federal Plaza Building by Worth St. 

    I had a notification that the interview was scheduled the day after the interview that was on March 10th. The date of the oath letter was March 15th but I only got in the mail around March 22nd. So about 2 weeks after the letter came in the mail and the oath scheduled for yesterday on April 4th. 

    They are still not up to full capacity due to the pandemic and still social distancing in the room, no family members allowed in or in the waiting area. 


  2. The saga ended today. May 2020 in NYC filer here. I had interview on March 10 and had ceremony today April 4th. 
    Super quick ceremony, lasted not even 10 min. Everyone still socially distanced, not allowed to hang around for any pics or anything. When it ended, we were all ushered out of the room very quickly. There was about 75 people.  
    Thank you so much for all the advice and help from everyone in this forum. The FOIA request was what did it for me even though the files were available for me after the interview. 
    Good luck for everyone still waiting!! 

  3. Hi all, 

    May 2020 filer here, NYC local field office. I have made 2 service requests for out of processing times and both times no real response. I’m about to do a 3rd. The office of the Ombudsman was a big disappointment. Essentially she told me that I had to wait, there was nothing I could do and I shouldn’t worry about it because my green card doesn’t expire for another 2 years. So if I need, I can apply for an extension to the GC if I need before the N400 is processed. And went on to hang up the phone in my face when I tried to ask more questions. I filed a FOIA request a few days ago. 

    My question is, I moved to NJ about 3 months ago. I didn’t change the address at USCUS because I keep both residences since my son still lives in the NYC address, both are still under my name and I still go back and forth. Would changing my address to NJ transfer the case to NJ and subsequently make them actually dig up the file that is pending for so long? Or is it just a change of address for a potential closer location? Or should I just leave it since I’ve been waiting for so long.. I don’t know, I guess I want to try anything I can to make them actually work on it. It’s been long enough. 
    Any light on the subject will be helpful. Txs 

  4. Hello, 

    Quick question and recommendations. 

    My sister in law has a DACA status that expires in October 2018. We weren’t sure if she was going to be able to apply for renewal since the government is so unpredictable when it comes to that. Since USCIS is accepting renewals now, do you encourage her to apply now or wait until the 150 day to expire window comes along? We are very scared to wait but we don’t want her renewal to be rejected because it’s essentially too early... 




    Thank you!! 

  5. Hi all, 

    Thanks @Peep201 for the question. 

    I had a lot of evidence when it came to my marriage so I was anxious but honestly, I felt they would approve it. 

    I sent: 

    - final decree of divorce including my name being changed to my maiden name ( he was the one that filed) 

    - 1 1/2 years worth of joint bank statements 

    - statements from joint credit card

    - proof of apartment payments made by me

    - proof of utility payments made by me

    - copies of 2 years of jointly tax returns

    - copies of joint medical insurance and dental cards

    - proof of joint car insurance

    - about 8 page personal letter explaining the relationship and detailing verbal abuse and how it was affecting my children

    - 3 years worth of joint pictures and facebook posts ( he was a social medial addict and wanted to prove to his "friends" how we were really a couple) 

    - pictures of all the broken things I had at home, (he has angry bouts where he would break things), he broke several plates and glasses, game controlers, 2 coffee tables, computer chair, mirror from the bathroom vanity


    All this happened after we got married. He was the most perfect guy while we were still dating. After, he became addicted to xbox and pretty much didn't do anything else beside work and play games, all day and all night most days. He became angry because of anything, even small so at that point, so I decided to keep pictures of it and screenshot o f conversations with him calling me names. 

    I know this is much more detail than normal but wanted to give a reasoning to sending pictures. 

    The only thing I didn't include in the packet, was affidavits from friends or family. I felt as if at the point that I got divorced, things were so bad that everyone including me and especially my children, were just trying to move past it. 


    I'm guessing that if people have the financial proof that the marriage was bonafied, then officials wouldn't move to disapprove these cases. In my case, the fact that he's a TSA agent, may have worked in my favor after all. 


    Hope this helps. I'm very happy with the outcome and very relieved it's all over. 

    God bless everyone and good luck!





  6. Hi everyone!! 

    Anyone has any updates on their process status? 

    Mine is in the works almost 6 months now. I have the letter extending my green card but I'm afraid to travel after it expires. I wanted to plan a vacation with my children but I'm afraid I'll run into issues with just the letter with this new president. Anyone thinking along those lines? 

    Post any updates if any. 


    Good luck to all. 


  7. Hi everyone. Wanted to update my status.

    Married September 2, 2014

    Divorce filed June 8, 2014

    Divorce final September 14, 2016

    Filed I 751 November 10, 2016

    I 797 extension for one year November 14, 2016

    Waiting for biometrics appointment

    Vermont service center

    Hope this goes smoothly but I'm really nervous. Didnt use a lawyer, gathered proof over the past few months.

    Waiting game begins.

    Good luck to everyone!


  8. Hi all,

    My name is Renata and I found this site looking for help for a I 751 waiver. My marriage is in rocks with my husband causing a whole bunch of problems and driving me crazy threatening to file for divorce just because he simply does not wish to stay married to me any longer. Anyway, he is a TSA officer out of Laguardia and thinks he knows everything and think he can threaten me into staying with him out of submission. I have two boys from a previous relationship and I don't want them involved in this any longer. I moved out of my apartment to live with him, changed my kids' lives and schools, changed my job in order to be with him, stayed with him while he was sick and now he threatens me knowing the ramifications of what he's doing.

    My question to you all are:

    Do I really need a lawyer to file this? I was reading over other forums about what documentation is necessary and I think I may be able to handle this myself. I did the I-130 and the application for DACA (which was approved back in 2013) all on my own. If there is a real necessity for it, I wouldn't mind paying but it's not something I can afford right now.

    Second, can anyone send me some instructions to write an affidavit? I'm torn on how to do it properly.

    I appreciate all the help. This site is really a God sent.


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