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Posts posted by amandgo

  1. Hi everyone! Would love to hear what you think:

    We got our interview on May 23 at 9am at Federal Plaza. We were interviewed together, and weren't separated. The SO officer was friendly and she looked at our documents and photos, but we stumbled on a couple of questions. At the end, we got a letter that says "your case is held for review and you will receive a decision within 180 days, no additional documents needed to be submitted at this time."

    Seeing that many of you were approved on the spot, any suggestions what this might mean?

  2. Hi! We have a quick question about our case:

    We were interviewed first round on May 23 8am

    The interview went okay. We got through most of the questions pretty well, except for a few hiccups: I forgot the name of the school my wife went to and missed one of her middle names (she has 2 middle names but I only remember 1 since it's not used as much.) and she forgot the name of our insurance company. Nevertheless, we were interviewed together the whole time and never separated.

    The officer took a lot at our wedding photos, she complimented my mom's dresses, and I told her how my mom dresses up so well for every family get-together while the rest of us are in shirts and shorts. She smiled laughed a bit.

    At the end we got a letter that says "Your case is being held for review and you will receive a decision within 180 days. No additional information needed to submit at this time."


    Is that a good sign? I hear some people that they usually get approved on the spot.? Some people say they're gonna visit? What's our next step? Any help is appreciated!


    P/S: We were interviewed in New York.

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