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Posts posted by Visathrowaway

  1. Hello everyone,

    I recently started a new job position that will put me about the 125% poverty line. By the time we file our I-864 I will have only worked this position for about two months.

    For the past three years I did not meet the 125% line due to working abroad. I have quite the savings account, but not as much as the government would like to see.

    I have been nervous about my new position not being implemented long enough so we secured a co-sponsor. Unfortunately we the co-sponsor backed out - horrible timing and just heartbreaking. I have tapped out just about every resource I can think of for finding a new co-sponsor and have had no luck.

    My question for you is - Can anyone give advice on if a co-sponsor would be required in this situation of new employment?

    Yes, a cos-sponsor is absolutely ideal. However, we're in between a rock and a hard place.

    Has anyone been in a similar position before? I've seen plenty of threads about unemployment and losing a job. But not so many about this situation.

    Much thanks!

    Yes, a cos-sponsor is absolutely ideal. However, we're in between a rock and a hard place.

  2. Hi there,

    I know this situation has come up before on here but I am having a hard time finding the past threads.

    When my fiance applied for his passport his last name became his middle name and his second last name became his new last name. He never had a middle name.

    So he went from...
    John (first name) Doe (first last name) Smith (second last name)

    John (first name) Doe (Middle name) Smith (first last name)

    He would like to change his last name, according to the US government, from Smith to Doe.

    I would also like to take Doe as my last name when we get married.

    Would anyone have advice on how to do this? Would we attempt to do this before he applies for his green card? Before we get married? After we get married? Before applying for AOS? And who would we contact about this?

    I know that might have been a little confusing... so sorry. Advice helps!

    Thank you!

  3. Hello everyone,

    My fiance will be flying to the states from Europe. It's looking like it will be likely he will have a connection in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

    I have flown throw there as a US citizen and had no problems clearing customs. And I know Canadian K-1 visa holders clear customs and immigration before boarding the plane. However, I am concerned if there will be an issue for him holding a K-1 visa and being from Europe.

    Does anyone have experience with this? Will he be able to go through the American customs line there, receive all the correct paperwork, and not have to clear customs again when he enters the states?


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