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Green Bay

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Posts posted by Green Bay

  1. Sometimes something is found after the package Is sent and USCIS requests the package back. This is probably a generic message for this. They usually send it back, whatever was missing is reunited with your package then it gets turned around.

    I understend it pretty good but thier message confused me. on oktober 3th the nvc returned your petition and on oktober 3 th we reaffirmed and mailed it back to the DOS. It's weird. too fast

  2. Hey people has anybody received the same as me?

    Case Approval Was Reaffirmed And Mailed Back To Department Of State

    On October 3, 2016, the Department of State returned your case, Receipt Number WAC*****, to us for further review and we mailed you a notice affirming our original approval. Please contact the Department of State directly for any further information on your case.

    For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

    We received this at 4 am on Oktober 3th. So they said that the NVC returned our case at 3th Oktober and the USCIS sent it back in the same day? How? It is unbelievable fust!! And what the notice affirming our original approval they are talking about? I didn't receive anything

  3. Hey! Can you help me with this. I received letter wrom USCIS and they say :

    Case Approval Was Reaffirmed And Mailed Back To Department Of State

    Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

    On October 3, 2016, the Department of State returned your case, Receipt Number WAC**, to us for further review and we mailed you a notice affirming our original approval. Please contact the Department of State directly for any further information on your case.

    What is it mean??

  4. Hey! Can you help me with this. I received letter wrom USCIS and they say :

    Case Approval Was Reaffirmed And Mailed Back To Department Of State

    Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

    On October 3, 2016, the Department of State returned your case, Receipt Number WAC**, to us for further review and we mailed you a notice affirming our original approval. Please contact the Department of State directly for any further information on your case.

    What is it mean??

  5. At least NVC said they received your case. Did they assigned number?


    Dear Sir/Madam:

    We recently received your visa petition. We will send NVC processing instructions within 4 to 5 weeks. Please resubmit your inquiry if you have not received any information after 5 weeks.

    and it was on Sept. 14

    next letter was on Sept 20

    Dear Sir/Madam:

    Thank you for your inquiry. We do not have a record of receiving your petition.

  6. I would try and ask the Website again - why do they 'believe" they are an IMB, if their Term of USE indicates opposite thing.

    Anyway, according to the Term of Use it is not a IMB. My answer to the question 35 on the Form I-129F would be "NO" to a website being an IMB. Also, I would write an explanation letter in support of my answer.

    - The Website is not located in the US - looks like it's located in Republic of Seychelles.

    - The website is worldwide and men from other countries have the same opportunities as US men to meet women - I see there are members from EU, USA and other countries on the Website, so it doesnt match U.S citizens/permanent residents with foreign nationals as their 'principal business'.

    I would definitely mention that the Term of Use indicates that the Website is not held responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information published on the Website; they can't guarantee that the information on the Website is up to date.

    If you have never been provided with any consent form for the release of personal information, you should state this in the Letter. That it was completely your decision to release your personal information and you have made all arrangements to meet yourselves and have never had any help from the website. ??? - double check here :)

    Then I would print out and attach "supporting documents" for the Website not being IMBRA as follows:

    1. Welcome to the Website page/Tem of Use, which indicates it is online dating site.

    2. Term of Use, that indicates NO warranty as to identity of member and it is not a marriage site (highlighted).

    Also, i would highlight p.10 "Special Termination rules" & p.19. "Laws and Jurisdiction".

    Good LUCK!!!

    Thank you so much!!! Really it was great answere for my question! Thanx

  7. I know, it's a pain. I went through the RFE for the IMB issue. They got stricter about enforcement right when we applied. Good luck!

    You know I got massage from that website. First when I asked tham if they are IMB thay said yes but for now they told that if we deleted our accounts we must pay 50$ for take any information. Its weird. For what? For IMBRA form? Its ridiculous. Then i found information that the websites that position there like an imb they can charge fees to give us a personal contacts but in their terms of use they write that they have never give to anyone your personal contacts. It really confused me. If I understand right the IMBRA laws contain that only you are IMB can give the contact information. And if it's only simply dating website that can't do this. Am I right?

  8. Thanks to all for replying. I found information in there terms of use that they are not marriage site and they have never give to another person your information. So I think that at first time they lie to me that they are an IMB. But I will figure out more information. Actually hate that.

  9. Hey people, in the terms of use i found this information:

    "Company remotely and by electronic means supplies an online dating Service via Internet"

    "The Company does it best to background check all Registered users and make your online dating safe, but the authentification on the internet is extremely difficult and we can't guarantee that all Registered users profiles are reliable, accurate or complete."

    "You acknowledge that there are risks involved in online dating
    - unknowingly dealing with underage persons
    - communicating with a person with criminal purpose, including scammers
    - defamation, discovery, and damage to Your Reputation"

    "We are not held responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information published on the Website; We can't guarantee that the information on the Website is up to date"

    "15. Limitations of liability

    It is not a marriage site, we provide a platform to post and allow Registered users to make contacts and communicate for personal and non-business purposes."

    If I understand wright they are not IMB but why than they write it to me?

  10. You need to say yes and get the form as the instructions dictate. If you do not do what is asked, or lie, you will be denied and your fiancee may be banned from the US permanently.

    Thank you. But thay asked for signed consent form. We don't have this and never signed anything.

  11. Trying to get approved by lying is also very difficult.

    The best thing to do is answer honestly. Print out the terms and conditions of the website and read through them. It could cause problems down the line if you answer No and they request the site info that shows they are indeed an IMBRA.

    Yeah i understand that but what is that?

    "If you met your fiancé(e) or spouse (your beneficiary) through the services of an international marriage broker (IMB), you must notify USCIS of that fact by answering Item Number 35. in Part 2. of this form. In addition, you must provide the signed, written consent form that the IMB obtained from your beneficiary authorizing the release of his or her personal contact information to you. If the consent form is written in any language other than English, you must provide a certified English translation with the original form."

    If we say YES we need this consent form but we don't have it and if we say No it will be lie. I read somwhere that better to write NO but in attachment we need to write how we truly met. It really confused us.

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