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Posts posted by Graceful81

  1. Hi everyone! Congrats to all of the recent CC's! :)

    One step closer to the end of this visa journey, now its time to wait for the interview date :clock: I just got my cc recently on 10/17 (confirmed over the phone). I called nvc yesterday to ask when they will start scheduling the interview appointments. And received the answer of "nvc schedules at the end of every month" and depending on how busy the embassy in your country is, that I'll get an appointment sooner or later.

    I had a question, I've been following this thread for the last few days, and read that NVC will start scheduling interviews for December at the end of this month? So there is no chance of getting a November (or even at the end of Nov) interview I'm guessing? Or does that depend on the country's embassy if they have available appointments left for Nov? Our embassy is for Seoul, South Korea. I've heard that its not busy and should get an appointment quickly. Just wondering, very anxious to get the interview date as most of you guys are also...

    Hope NVC will start scheduling interview appointments soon and that everyone gets their appointment date!

  2. Good Lord, there is a light at the end of this tunnel! our case was in document review since 10/4, forwarded to a supervisor on 10/6... and finally our case was closed today! I checked ceac this afternoon and finally saw the elusive 3rd N/A! Called NVC to comfirm and lo and behold it was closed today! One agent told me that once your file is pulled for document review, most likely the case will close very soon.... also anyone in SR, I hope this is a good sign that things are moving along!

    To everyone waiting, you will get your cases closed, don't give up hope and hang in there! God Bless and good luck everyone!!!!

  3. The delays and waiting have been torturous...I feel your pain. I really hope you guys get your cases closed very soon also.

    So I called NVC yesterday morning, and my supervisor review from 10/6 was not reviewed yet (not surprised). I then asked the nice agent if police records (our checklist was only for a police cert) are required for someone who was under 16 when they left their native country; she pauses and says from her knowledge its for 16 and over. She then asked how old my husband was at the age of his departure, and I reply 10 years old. She then says "oh, let me look into this, because if that is the case, then we don't need one, please hold". I also mention that a police cert is unobtainable from the US. When she comes back on the line, she tells me that she has forwarded our case to her supervisor. Does this mean our case is now sitting in the email inbox of 2 different supervisors? Or has my SR clock been reset again after only 1 wk?

    I also sent in an inquiry on the Ask NVC form last Friday and received a response last night saying that my case is "under review" and the appropriate action will be taken once the review is completed. I was already informed that the additional document that I submitted in response to our checklist in August was pulled for "document review" on 10/4... It took 7 weeks for that one little document in response to our checklist to even be looked at, prior to that it wasn't even touched AT ALL. Now I am wondering how long the "document review" or "under review" phase is... because I was given a bizarre response of "there is no timeline". Sigh.... :/

    Good Luck to everyone, hoping to hear good news from you guys! At this point hearing others getting their CC's makes me more optimistic and hopeful that we'll get ours soon also. God Bless and hang in there!!

  4. Supervisor review seems like a hit or miss. I have seen several ppl get a cc after 2 wks being on SR. Then there are others who had to wait the full 6 wks or more. Even worse some had to be put on a second SR. Some ppl think that it depends on whether your case had a checklist, that causes a major delay; as opposed to someone whose case was not touched at all and was simply forgotten after the 6wk time period. I would suggest waiting a few more days to see. I was automatically put on SR after 37 business days past and still no cc (2nd scan date was 8/16). My clock has started over for the third time... hoping for a miracle. Hoping everyone gets their CC very soon!!

  5. You should mail NVC a written letter stating why you are not able to submit your PC (this is what an NVC agent advised me to do when it is unobtainable); but will submit one at the time of the consular interview. They will either approve it and close your case (depending on your reason) or issue you a checklist for it. My lawyer wrote on our cover letter that we were unable to obtain one, but will submit one at the time of the consular interview. We were still check listed for a PC. We responded with a letter stating that it is unobtainable from the US and to please close our case. We are still waiting for a response/case closed to that letter. Good Luck!

  6. Finally Case Complete!

    I saw 3 N/A this morning then I called to confirm, the agent said yes my case was complet today.


    I just saw that you have the same scan date as me, 8/16. I called last night to check the status, and the agent automatically forwarded my case to his supervisor for review. Told me it may not take the full 6wks, since my file was pulled for "document review" earlier this week on Tuesday. This gives me some hope! I was check listed for a police cert I can't obtain from the US. and 8/16 is my second scan date. Been in the NVC stage since 7/6, they reviewed my case within 5 wks the first time. With the checklist its taking ages to CC.

  7. It certainly doesn't hurt to involve your local congressman, or even better your senator to help move your case forward. If I dont hear an answer in the next few wks, I may consider the same route. I have read past forums where this method has helped speed things up considerably. Esp since you have been waiting for so long. I think if you call NVC and are polite and not rude or anything, its fine to ask for the status of your case. Maybe call them couple of times a wk if anything. I called them yesterday, and will wait until Friday to call back. Good luck guys!!!

  8. Spoke with an agent, not supervisor. Teddy, they told you that your case was being reviewed and then nothing since last month?? Looks like we have similar first and second scan dates. At this point if someone is looking at my case file, its better than nothing. I got check listed for a police cert I can't even obtain from the US, needs to be requested in person abroad. Sent them a letter telling them it is not obtainable and to please close our case.

  9. Just got off the phone with NVC. The agent that I spoke with looked up my case and optimistically said that as of TODAY there has been some recent activity, and that my case is being currently reviewed. Also that I should be hearing from NVC via email very soon. The agent didnt say that it was closed, but I guess that is better than the usual response of "your supporting document hasnt been reviewed yet". Hoping for everyone to get a CC very soon!!!

  10. Hi! I have been in the NVC stage for 3 months. I am 35 days (7wks) past my second scan date of 8/16... and still no CC. Agent told me to call back this wk to check the status again, and to be placed on a supervisors review. I haven't called yet, as it will start another 6 wks or more waiting. Unless they automatically move my case to the supervisor. I was hoping that speaking with a supervisor would help speed things up, but from many of your comments, it seems like its a hit or miss. This is taking sooo long, I almost don't want to call NVC anymore. I hope the supervisor you spoke with will keep their word and review your case soon.

  11. Oh my goodness, can't believe the agent threatened you like that! That is horrible...you would think that every conversation is being recorded for monitoring purposes. Occasionally I will get an agent who seems like they have dealt with one too many callers and will get a little snappy with responses like "look, nvc receives hundreds of paperwork a day and to be patient and just wait". So sorry, that they responded like that... How many days have you been waiting for a CC? I hope they close your case soon!! And wish you good luck! I plan on calling NVC on monday to check the status, hope its good news.

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