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Posts posted by Sammy1

  1. The address they have for me already lists my parent's house in the US, so there shouldn't be an international mail issue. Even so, they didn't receive the NOA1 in the mail like they should have, and I called USCIS and asked about this. They simply said "well we tried to send it to whatever address was listed on your forms, so if you didn't get it, it was either lost in the mail or you put the wrong address on the forms" (which we most certainly did not do). My lawyer's office got the mail NOA1 though, so hopefully they'll get the RFE even if my parents don't.

    Also, to Blanche, I want you to believe me when I say that I perfectly understand how you feel. It's almost as if you typed out my inner thoughts. I would love nothing more than to be able to move back to America and start my life with my wife again, and as much as I've thought about leaving her here and going myself, I can't bring myself to abandon her like that. She'd be crushed if I left her alone here. And USCIS certainly doesn't help at all to speed anything along. I understand how hard it must be to always pay attention to every detail of every single case and to genuinely put forth effort and energy to make everything go as quickly and smoothly as possible for each applicant; it's honestly rather unrealistic to expect that from someone. But it feels like they really take that leeway I'm willing to give a little too far at times. Half the time, it seems like they don't really care at all about your case and like they're not even trying to sort things out for you. It's really a terrible system when you think about it, but American immigration reform is rather unlikely to happen any time soon, much to the dismay of all of us in this position. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that even if nobody else understands how you feel about all of this Blanche, I definitely do, and we're hanging in there together.

    Thanks for the info JFH and Looky. It's definitely not what I wanted to hear, but I appreciate knowing about it anyway. Best of luck to everyone.


    Aww..sorry to hear that, I have been waiting for my NOA2 , its now 6months 3 weeks... A congressional inquiry says it still at background stage.... Waiting waiting.... It's. Tiring

  2. Hey Sammy. I mailed in my I-130 on December 9th, they gave me my NOA1 on December 21st. It's been over 5 months for me, and we still haven't heard anything. I've contacted my congressmen and gotten them involved and they're "looking into it" for me. No word about how that's going yet from them either.

    It's extremely frustrating seeing everyone else being approved and getting their case numbers and filling out their forms and paying their fees and moving months ahead of you in the process when you both filed at the same time. I think along with SophJosh, we're the only December filers left here that haven't been approved. How many others have been in this thread? 20? 25? 30? Somewhere around there?

    It doesn't help that VJ's "currently processing dates" have said that our case was only 2-5 days away for the past 3 months; I don't trust those at all since it's obviously so horrendously inaccurate. It seems like the California Service Center has basically just shut down completely over the past 3 months, they're approving about half of the petitions per day that they used to, if even that many, based on VJ's statistics. And it really stinks that there is nothing you can do but sit and wait and hope and watch the world go by around you while you're stuck in place. It really sucks, and I wouldn't wish this truly awful feeling of hopelessness on anyone.

    It really stinks Sammy, but at least know that there are still a few of us here that are in the same position as you are. Best of luck, and I hope you get approved soon. The fewer of us stuck on this portion of things, the better.

    Best wishes,



    Yea it is, but make a difference knowing I am not alone in this, we can put to the federal court with a WOM writ of mandamus.... If we don't get a reply in time.. But hate to go that route.... Money wise!!! But it's faster

  3. Reggie mann I feel for ya! (: When did you contact your congressman? Hope it comes soon! Fingers crossed!

    Sammy it could show up this week or next. Most of us just started getting approved like 3 weeks ago. Nobody ever said they all come when you expect them. Hold on you may be surprised! Fingers crossed!

    I pray because I am getting worried about the delay.... Just had a baby a while back, need my husband around!!!

    Also I did contact my congressman waiting on their reply....

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