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Posts posted by someitguy

  1. We came across the border in Champlain on Sunday, my wide imported her 99 Caravan.

    Where it asked for the value, we left it blank, and they made no entry. Use the truck lanes,

    they take you right to the import station that way at that border.

    Bought insurance for it online on Sunday night, went to NJ DVM on Monday morning and transferred Title, Registered and plated the car - paid 000000000000000000000 tax :)

    Here's some news that might be of interest.

    At one point she visited long ago with her beater car, I don't know how it even made the trip, but there was no way it would make it back. After a few calls, I found out that for a 9.00 charge, we can import that car in Newark and not have to take it back to the border. So next week, well go there and import it and then Title plate and Register it.

    PS as well, you CAN insure your Canadian plated car with a US company.


  2. Good deal Princess :)

    He said that typically they want it the RFE mailed in and it could delay the process up to 6 months.

    Then he wispered that if we could come back the next day, not a day later, with the form fixed -

    that he would stamp it. Also, he didn't require both of us to go, so I just stopped in there before going to work.

    Thank God the officer was nice enough to let me do that... I'm sure another 6 month wait would have

    put my wife in the looney bin!!!!! lmao :)

  3. Appointment was for 1PM so we arrived at 12:30 to be on the safe side. Handed the appt. letter throught the window and proceeded to wait. Let me mention that the place was PACKED, I'd guess minimum 75 people or more.

    So we waited, and waited, and at 2:00 I ran down to put more change in the parking meter. When I got back up, I asked at the window if they call folks in order of arrival because several people who got there way after us were done already.. she answered that you are assigned an officer and when it's your turn, they will call you. SWELL :)

    At 2:50 we were called in, raise the right hand and sworn in. " you swear to tell the truth? " yea. OK, let's proceed.

    Needless to say, I've had time to prepare, so I brought the kitchen sink ;)

    He saw the pile and said, ok hold up with all that... He specifically asked me who's baby we had there, and I said 'Ours." He said do you have the birth cert? I said original or copy, he said both. I gave him both, he handed back the original. He then asked to see our original marriage cert, even though he had a copy in his hand, then handed it back. Then he asked to see both of our divorce papers originals, then handed them back. After that he was typing and asked how we met, I BRIEFLY metioned that we met online 5 years ago while playing a pc game :) He remarked that was interesting and said that at this time he cannot approve us.

    My jaw hit the floor.

    Apparently the Dr. who filled out the 693 forgot to check the box that says no maladies, so he issued an RFE right there on the spot. The good news is, he said rather then mailing it in, "since you are approved once I get that" you can just bring it in, ask for me, and I'll stamp your passport :)

    Smooth as pie, what a relief... took 7 minutes total.

    Drove to see the Dr who was closed, so I'm going in the AM to get that fixed, then back to Newark.


    Ran to the Dr this morning, got the box checked and they resealed it in an envelope.

    Took it in, he opened the envelope, asked for my wifes passport, stamped

    it for 1 year, and said the card will be in the mail.


    Thanks again all!

  4. We have two cars from Canada here right now :devil:

    I guess what I read is that once you 'declare' the vehicle

    for your first official crossing after getting AOS, we need to

    pay tax on it?

    Bah, bastards... we already paid the rediculous double taxes in Quebec!


  5. :P The congressman route eh? We'll, sincerely just want that AP, we need

    to get her back to Canada the last week of August.

    The 485 can wait, I just don't want to get lost in the shuffle..

    Kezzie turned on the light in my head when I hadn't considered my wife's

    interview letter was based on the DO, not NBC. I knew it all along, but until

    I saw the words, it didn't connect.


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