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Posts posted by Meedada

  1. no kids yet and i came in here through marriage to my wife

    well I guess you could have the upper hand.. she cannot abuse you due to marriage in order for you to lose your status. If you do the above and just sacrifice a little or get an immigration attorney online they will be willing to help trust me.

    you will even get your conditional green cared waved instantly. there is hope!!! good luck and let us know how it went.

    look up the links below to help you with free immigration attorneys..




  2. Essien, sorry to hear this from you.

    I have head this since 10 years...I don't know why our ladies do this.

    However an advice for you. Do the following before its too late.

    Fix a time for yourself less than 2 weeks anD get these done.

    1. Read this carefully. .http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/divorce-your-conditional-residence-status-how-file-divorce-waiver-with-form-i-751.html

    2. Make sure you gather all your marriage documents, the one you have here.

    3. Get the once you have back home as well in the near future if posible now.

    4. Demonstrate that you were well married. Evidence from back home. If it was green card who did what who won it all these.

    5. Demonstrategic that she changed when she came here. If you have evidence of all these it will help you a lot.

    7. Also, you need evidence on the grounds of divorce. ..you can ask her and record her just for keeps..it's tricky though cos you have to let the person know you are recording her..but if I am you no. I will record and use it during an extreme case when everything is not working my way.

    8. You need an attorney immigration attorney ...

    Suggestion on attorneys

    1. Look for attorneys that will voluntary assist .free bono or volunteering ..if you don't have the money.

    2. Sacrifice and raise funds to pay.

    3. You can call catholic charities and ask them if they have services for people who seek for immigration attorney. They organise workshops for people who want to be fill for citizens and you pay a small amount to get an attorney to review all your documents. But I am not sure of this particular situation. You have to call them.

    Remember here USA protects the ladies. Its just like a police man enforcing the law but he or she is not above the law. So remember she is not above the law she cannot use that to emotionally disturb you and have you struggle. People don't know it is an offence.

    Whiles you getting the above done, make sure you Hamble yourself.

    1. Don't ever try to abuse her in anyway not even emotionally. .

    2. Just be a master and slave and tell her you need sometime to do as she wish.

    Let me give you some hope.

    If you sacrifice and spend time on the above for two weeks whiles you get your as kicked by your wife...

    You can have the US government send your wife back home while you stay here after the divorce .

    It is very disturbing to marry for 5 years back home and when you try to make things good for all, then the wife turns the back...

    Again how did you even get the green card? Is it by lottery who won and who sponsored? Do you have kids with her? Where are they?

    Good luck you can do it if you sacrifice..

    In the USA the law works you don't say things and get away with it...unless the other person is not interested

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