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Posts posted by awills729

  1. This happen to me. I applied for expedite based on financial reasons and was denied due to lack of evidence. I called back and made another pleading request also adding that my first request was denied due to lack of evidence but they had never requested one. 2 days later my second request was approved and my case was expedited.

    I also had a friend who was denied for the same and when she called back they told her to email the evidence and she did later was also approved.

    Keep Hassling!! Good Luck!

    THANK YOU for the positive comment in a thread of negativity. I can't give up hope, so why not try again? :)

  2. Wow, didn't know that this was all about opinion. Makes a person feel like they need to defend themselves sometimes. Since I guess I needed more detail for some...

    Yes, my stepson was on my husbands paperwork, but we were told there was no FTJ option. We planned on my husband coming and THEN filing, after we had a home that suited all of us, as well as my husband having a job.

    My MIL is adopted, her parents are elderly, in their 90s. Mother is DYING. Father is unable to care 100% for his wife 24/7 (he's old and declining health). MIL wants and needs to go help take care of her as well as be with both of them while her mother passes. Yes, she could be put in a facility to be cared for but the point is, she needs to be with her family. Who wouldn't understand this?

    No, I dont know what kind of visa MIL has, or what stage it's at. I have enough on my plate not to worry about her situation. I just need to get my stepson here.

    Her leaving to Canada will leave us with nowhere to live or a job if either of us go back to take care of my stepson. How does that help? And no, he doesn't have any other immediate family back home. Would you leave a 2 year old with friends in a country far from you? Come on..

    Let us assume that they did get an expedite, this will not deal with the current issue.

    why would this not deal with the issue? Then we would have some hope that MIL will be able to leave soon. If it's not expedited, we know MIL has to leave. We are family, we can't keep her from her parents.

  3. what you are proposing is to ask USCIS again for the same thing you asked before....why would they change their decision?

    In addition, the kid could have taken advantage of theFTJ, but for whatever the reason(s), that did not happen....but that is NOT the fault nor the responsibility of USCIS...(in other words, poor planning is not someone else's problem)...

    I was told there was no FTJ option for CR-1 ... and can we keep this without personal opinion? You say poor planning...but tell me, how is wanting to make a life and a home for your child before uprooting them and taking them to a new country called "poor planning" .. that's great planning! No one PLANS for family members to get sick. No one planned for my MILs family to get sick and need care until they pass.

  4. Trying to make a long story short ...

    I brought my husband here 5 months ago on CR-1. We left his son with my mother in law (baby's mom is not in the picture, never was) in order to allow time for my husband to get a job, start working and find a home for us. Planned on filing for step-son this summer.

    My step son's ONLY childcare is my mother in law who now has a visa to go take care of her dying parents in Toronto. So we filed for my stepson this month and requested an expedite.

    Request DENIED.

    This would cause a 2 year old to have no child care, as my mother in law NEEDS to leave the country ASAP. This would force my husband to quit his new job, move back to his home country (with no job and no place for him and his 2 year old to live), also causing us to lose our home in the US, our car, etc, as I dont make enough money to support everything while he is gone.

    Is there anything I can do??? Should I request an expedite again??


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