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Posts posted by xlai

  1. Hi, everyone,

    I am an F1 female student studying Intensive English program in Dallas, TX. I was a nurse working in operation room before when I was in China. I have an Associate degree and a self-taught undergraduate course from China.

    I want to study Nursing program after I finish the language program. Can someone give me a general outline of recent development of nursing careers in USA:

    1) What type of certificates should I get? Could you please list all certificates available for nurses in USA.

    2) What degree should I achieved: Associate, Bachelor or even Master's ?

    3) What immigration policies can I get to find a job in USA and eventually will allow me to apply for a green card?

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me.

  2. Hi, Folks,

    My wife just got her US student visa (F1) recently to attend an intensive English program. The school registration ends on Aug. 20th, 2016. But due to some family and work reasons, my wife can not arrive at the school before Aug. 20th. The school official said she will have to be delayed to the Jan. 2017 for admission since she will miss the registration for classes.

    Since we have booked our flights on Aug. 25th. We want to know if she can apply for a B2 tourist Visa in August to use this airline ticket for a short-term visit and return to US in Jan. for the delayed admission. How likely will she obtain a B2 tourist visa if she just got a F1 Visa in July for attending a school in August?

    (I am her husband and currently living in Canada with permanent resident status. I have a full-time job in Canada. I am sponsoring my wife for immigration to Canada, but during the immigration process, she is not eligible for a non-immigration visiting visa to Canada due to so-called immigration intention. That is why I am sending her to US to learn some English. )

    Please advise. Thanks.

  3. Dear Folks,

    I am a Canadian PR and a Chinese Citizen. I got married in China in March this year. I was applying for my wife temporary resident visa for Canada after our marriage, but it was rejected.

    Instead, I am thinking to apply for my wife the US tourist visa such that we can reunite for some time across the US-Canada border since I have a full-time job in Canada with limited vacation days and it takes a long time to process my family-class sponsorhip application to let her come to Canada.

    Are there any details I need to take care of when I apply for her the US tourist visa. Will my Canadian PR status have negative effects on her B2 application due to the so-called immigration intention?


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