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Posts posted by Momandbaby2016

  1. Thank you so much Boiler and Aaron2020.

    Now today it's much clearer here, yes, been very lost.indeed!

    Honestly I haven't checked this board since then when it was heated, half of six pages were hateful, silly, non-sense guesses and condemnations, some comments were very hurtful and hateful, it was dreadful to read, made me deflated for days.... some with knowledge and understanding were very helpful and informational. And I am very grateful.!

    The past two weeks I have tried to contact two law firms here, due to a lot of public holidays so they had been out of touch but now just speeded up after holidays, hopefully I'd get to meet with them next week and decide on which one we would choose to ask them to help.

    I'm feeling towards getting spousal visa, just want to do the right thing for baby, Do not want her to be a baby out of wedlock and to unmarried parents for very much longer, though the downside would be another six months of Separation.

    Thanks gain

  2. @transborderwife.

    Thanks. And, understandable about the crime and time. Fair enough.

    Just trying to figure out which route or what the best way to do now.



    So I can file i212 as a start even before filing k1 or cr1?

    And then do I need to wait for result from waiver before I apply for visa?

    Then at interview, to be rejected,and if there would be other kinds of waivers indicated to be filed , then I just file more?

    Would the case of visa application be pending after rejected, and to get waiver done? Then same case of visa to be continued?

    Or the visa being rejected, then it is over and ended, then have to apply file visa again from the beginning after waiver granted?

    (Sorry if I sound confusing! Because I'm confused, and thanks for being patient and helpful, really appreciate it.)

    So from what you said, I still have options to either file fiancé or spousal visa..

    Boyfriend is coming and willing to get marriage and file for spousal one. But if fiancé visa is faster and for him to get to reunite with baby sooner, then we wouldn't get married and just get engaged and file for fiancé visa...

    Is that right?

  3. Hi Boiler, (or who else with knowledge might chime in..)

    Need help to educate me :)

    Since I got deported and then tourist visa was cancelled. Is the waiver that I will file going to resolve that and then I file for immigrant visa (either k1 or cr1)?

    I talked worn a layer assistant, she said the process is to file for cr1 first and then after all the time to get called for interview, then the visa world be rejected, as expected, then file for waiver? Then back to filing for visa again?

    Like waiting for a year to get in interview to be rejected?seemed like a lot of time wasted..and doubled process? Confusing..

    A question.

    1. In my case that I already have a child, then should I file for cr1 spousal visa and not fiancé visa?

    If it's for my faith and tradition, I do want o get married first and file spousal visa.

    But I read that fiancé visa would be faster on process?

    2. A question is, with a baby, am I still electable for fiancé visa? Or should be spousal visa?

    3. With a visa and waiver applications, it could be 1 - 1.5 years ?

    My concern and desire is for my baby to have her father, she is very cute and now 8 months, her dad has missed seeing baby develoment and it's hard to imagine that he would miss a lot when the little one develoment and the fun time with baby.

    For me actually I'm in no hurry to go back in the USA if it's not for the baby, I have a very good and close family here, and would be soon back to a very good job. Overall, my heart is heavy thinking of separation of father/ daughter.

    Thanks so much !

    Mom and baby

  4. Thank you, mpadilla ! ??

    I have read a lot, and over here I was and am still thankful for some good people with knowledge and had shared their insight.

    Update is that I have spoken to lawyer and would have to do what we have to do. Boyfriend will come over to get married, and then file for marriage visa, and waiver. Visiting me and baby for two weeks, Still I'm a little confused why we have to wait to do waiver after visa. Just to have visa denied first and then file for waiver?

    Isn't applying waiver as a resolution responding to violation of tourist visa?

    Hmm... will

    have a good day.

  5. I agree because i started coming here to seek knowledge and information, and try to solve the problem. Not to be here to get cot condemned/ get into other things, other life issues, or a platform for other topics lecturing.

    Will speak worth an attorney and find out what they have to say.

    Thanks again, I have learned some useful info and appreciate many sound and decent comments.

    Have a good day.

  6. It was ignorant and lacking of experience and knowledge when you concluded, accused and talked about someone and say they want anchor baby. No wonder the obnoxious rich guy in tv is popular.

    I do not need to go into my whole life story to defend, but just to let you know that I actually really wanted to deliver my baby inmy home country because I was already far along, to have US citizenship for baby wasn't an issue, she would have it anyway because boyfriend already was here and be back at baby birth but it was him who wanted mms to deliver there so he would get to spend time with baby after birth or I would have to wait till baby is a few monhs before fly (which kihjt have been a better way for visa situation)

    Even US is a great country but my country is great and wonderful too. I am proud to be a citizen of my country and never sought to try to be a cutizrn of other countries. We have rich culture and history of independence and never been colonized. A country of best hospitality and greatest food. Great beaches. Affordable great healthcare and education

    I have my family here, good education till masters, had great jobs, executive level in finance and international few orgs before pregnancy. grew up with some good quality of life here. I'm fortunate to have traveled, since young age,across Asia, Europe and probably more than half of U.S., so probably even more than some people here on this board who only think eveyone wanted to be coming on USA to stay or having baby to get them citizenship.

    My shortcoming is pursuing the 6-year relationship that the boyfriend who said he loved me but didn't want to marry me and not break up, and that troubled me. aAndnd my stupidity to not giving close attention to return date because I was overwhelened with baby allergy then, and so I overstayed by a month.

    .anyhow. it was wrong to be living in tourist visa.. and the one who was to do the right thing was boyfriend. Now he is sympathetic for what baby and I have had to go through. So we have to pay for his ignorance.

    My desire is just for my family, to be together - boyfriend to marry me, my baby and me - actually prefer in my country. He issue is his career in USA, and relocation of he would move here.

    I only pray and hope this time of tribulation and trial would be overcome soon and wouldn't be too long and to suffer.

    Anyway thanks newacct, transborderwife, Ontarc and ohers who have and discussed on useful info. Really appreciate it.

  7. I used to have SSN and worked years ago when I had J1. I realized that this time around in tourist visa I was able to be employed full time so I didn't look for it. This freelance job could be for traveller who works in their country or when they are on vacation. And it's not paying so much and not a real job like what I left it before.I think maybe because the company is a US company.

  8. I worked too, a freelance job. Small money only 10-12 times while I cared for my baby. It's not mainly for financial reason. I just felt I wanted to be helpful and earning some money and not just living off my spouse.

    Do you think that is the reason of expedited removal?

    I told officer that the company hired international freelancers from their own countries too not hiring me because I was in the USA.

  9. Yes. I really appreciate newacct and a few other decent people with shared thoughts and comments. Thanks again.

    Officer told me I used wrong visa.

    It was supposed to be a tourist visa for a tourist but I have birth and cared for a child. That's living, and not travelling. And i overstayed 1 month last time. I have statement that it was my fault of not giving a close attention to return time.

    Got a call back from embassy today. That they do not take i212 or i601 filing here any more. So now I'm more confused.the officer who intereviewed me at deportation told me to go to embassy and file i 212 and apply for a new immigrant visa (immigrant visa or fiance visa). So what I do now..?

    Thanks so much again,


    I had given 2 times of 10-year tourist visas.

    And during that time over 10 years ago, I was given J1 visa for one exchange international rep program with an organization. Just saying that I had good record and never violated immigration rules prior to this one.

  10. Thank you! Really appreciate it for removing inappropriate comments.

    My ideal desire is to live in my country and boyfriend to come marry me, and for him to work and live here. The issue is his work and relocation could be a big issue. I had great jobs with great pay before I left to pursue relationship with him, and now having a 7-month old baby, and haven't been working. I did have my share of guilt and am trying to figure out the solutions. I do not kind working full tume again, actually i miss it even I enjoy raising my baby and a privilege that I do not miss her development milestones.

    By the way, I did answer the question, we did full self pay, did not spend U.S. tax payer for good birth. So please refrain from hurtful comments.I only look here to gain more knowledge from expeienced people and those who can share insights and might have knowledge.

    My desire is to only my child to have her father and family to be united. Now he boyfriend /spouse has felt guilty and would do what it needs to be done to make it for us. Too bad that it takes so much for him to give in.

  11. Dear newacct and others who might be able to chime in (withof beings hateful),

    How long is filing to completion of i-212 take?

    Should I file it myself without boyfriend/husband petition or would it help if he writes a pleading petition?

    Her I'll be coming to see me and baby, and help see if what he can do, he is willing to do what is rights.

    Should ne and I get marriage first or not? Would it help? Or we should just wait and do fiancé visa if it's faster?

    Thanks you,

    Mommy and baby

  12. We self paid for childbirth.

    Officer said I was to go to Disneyland, not to give birth and raise her.

    I actually have felt this was coming, I asked boyfriend to marry me and made it right but he didn't want to so that brought heartache over years. So this makes him feel guilty and want to do the right thing for me and baby.

    I gave up great jobs in year 2014 when he had to go back to usa, so that I could make trips to visi and pursue the relationship.

    I actually would like him to come live with me better, but his work is in USA.

    Thailand it is.

  13. Hello,

    Need advice. I got denied from entering th US, after I landed, because I over stayed for one month last trip so I was there detained with my 7-month old baby, then deported to leave on the eat flight next day. Got 5 year ban. Officer told me I need to file the waiver and then the right kind of visa. He said immigrant or k-1?

    Background: My boyfriend is us citizen, lived in my country for 7 years before going back in 2014. We dated and lived together since 2010. I was in the USA last trip in 2015 and delivered a bay so she is a us citizen.

    here are the questions.

    1. Now I am back to my country, the boyfriend said he would come asap once we learn and know what to do next.

    Should we get engaged and married first then file. I 601? To show out sincerity?

    2. Should we not married and just file for k1? And that has to be after waiver is granted?

    3 there is field office in my country, would th adjustment and decision be done in office at embassy here or it would be sent to the center in usa?

    4. I'd go to see officer at embassy to get more instruction but not sure if they would suggest the best route for us concerning to the time that it might take. I read from this site and seems people said that k1 would take much longer than marriage visa.

    5. About the waiver, and to prove the extreme hardship. Is there an interview or only paper submission? Would meeting in person help? How long usually waiver is being granted? Or is it often when the forgiveness is not granted?

    6. Do you think I shoud do this myself or its a hard one and should use an attorney.?

    Thanks so much,

    Mom and baby

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