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Posts posted by Delgado15

  1. Delgado15,

    My husband and I were also in Juarez last October (2015). My husband's I-601A wavier (applying while he was in the USA) was approved before we entered Mexico...we thought everything was ok, but when he was interviewed they sent him to see a therapist because he had a DUI in 2008. They asked him several questions about his drinking and asked if he drives after consuming alcohol. Being honest he said yes...then was denied re-entry on the basis that he was a threat to US Citizens and their property. We, and our attorney, assume he was denied because of continued drinking and driving (even when staying under the legal limit). I returned home later in October while he remained in Mexico with his family. March of this year we filed the I601. He was advised through the dreaded "blue papers" to receive another medical exam this September...fingers and toes crossed he gets to return home.

    As far as writing your paper, and gathering supporting evidence to what you are saying is a hardship...be very thorough. The first time I wrote my paper (for the 601A) I Googled examples of other papers people wrote Juarez that were approved...there are some really good examples online. It would be wise to research what others have done. Each time I have wrote a paper and sent supporting documents the packet usually is about 2 to 3 inches thick! We did receive a request for more evidence with the 601A...we quickly sent it, and in about a months time we heard a response. However, it has been my experience both times now that the whole process takes somewhere between 9 to 10 months. It is depressing, and difficult to go through. Hopefully all goes well and quickly for you. Good luck...my prayers are with you and your family!

    Thank you very much! I will def take all your advice <3

  2. Intllovers- my husband and I filed an I-30 October 2015 and finally had an interview 10 months later in Juarez MX

    My husband was denied and banned 10 years

    He has never been in any trouble his whole life

    He does not drink smoke or use drugs

    The ban was simply because he entered and stayed unlawfully in the US FOR 10 years

    My husband and I are now home gathering things to start our I-601 (traditional waiver) As you are

    My question to you is

    Do you have an attorney?

    Our attorney is saying our waiver could be completely processed in 4-5 months

    Has your attorney given and estimated time?

    Also out attorney said she can not get the application to the waiver IF we do not have enough paper work they are requesting (They will dismiss us)

    Has your I attorney mentioned of this to you?

    I'm just quiro is from what others are doing to get this started

  3. This is my first time (Trying to start a new topic) so i hope ive done this the correct way Ok So i am a US citizen I moved to mexico two years ago with my Mexican husband We now have a son together who has a double citizenship My husband entered and lived in the United states illegally for 10 years He never got in any kind of trouble at all with the law and He left voluntarily (Back to mexico)

    So my question is (FROM your experience what are the chances my husband will be denied his green card at his interview?) My lawyer has told me and my husband he will be denied Because his illegal entrance and stay in the U.S and that we will need to file a waiver after denial..... So im looking for any little bit of hope?? Do any of you know anyone who has been in a same situation as us and was still approved??

  4. lovAton

    Could you please let me know how your waiver went?

    Did you end up waiting two to three months before getting a green card or not?

    And do you know if that is the normal wait time for all waivers?

    My husband and i are now waiting for our first interview date and will be doing a waiver (Because my husband was in the U.S illegally 10 years and entered without inspection) Our lawyer has already had us start things for my husbands waiver

    Im just wondering as to what i should be looking out for or what i should expect?

    Any helpful tips?

    Also were you allowed to enter any of the interviews with your husband? or was it your choice not to?

  5. Detox623 I would love to know all of those questions also!?!

    Me and my husband received a letter from the NVC saying they were experiencing a high volume of mail at this time but will be in touch withing 30 days from when the received our case May 2-2016 So im in hopes by the end of this month they will have scheduled us an interview!!!

    Can anyone tell me if (I the U.S Citizen) will be allowed or required to enter the interview with my husband who is trying to get his green card???

    Also we have a one year old baby will he be able to go in as well?

    Also the fees? what all should we expect to be paying?

    And last questions What kind of questions do they ask & How are the interview set up??

    Please someone help me out with these questions

    Thank you

  6. Hi again Delgado15 my husband lived in the US illegally for 12 years! They did not give him a 10 year bar. They scheduled his next medical in September this year. He has only had one interview with the Consulate so far. Our attorney advised we had to submit the 601 wavier, and would be scheduled a second interview after (hopefully) pending approval of that wavier. Ciudad Juarez was not the war zone I expected. We were on guard though. As long as we stayed near the US Consulate we felt safe. Our hotel was across the street (City Junior), and we ate at restaurants near the hotel...making sure we were inside the hotel before dark. I did not like that his medical exam was scheduled early in the morning so we had to leave the hotel one morning right before sunrise, but there were security guards around. Use common sense...you will be ok. Me and my husband made the most of our time together. We did not spend much time talking about all of the immigration stuff...we tried to keep things light and fun (as much as possible). We also made plans to visit his family after going to Juarez (he had not seen them for 12 years)...even if the results were good or not. I am glad we did that together. It was difficult enough to leave him behind...I couldn't imagine doing that straight from Juarez...at least I know I left him with his family. Whatever the outcome for you guys stay close to your God and you will make it through. This website has been and is a blessing to me...so many helpful people here!

    Hi thank you for your reply ;)

    As far as the 10 year bad From what my lawyer has said me me It is because he illegally entered in the U.S and he stayed over one year! I know their is another type of ban for 2 or 3 years but you would have had to stay i think 6months.... So From what im understanding is we have to do the waiver (Extreme hardship) To life the 10 years ban This is all so confusing to me ... Im now left wondering IF we even ever needed a waiver? Could we have a chance at our first interview to be approved? We both have no criminal background He has never been deported he has entered illegally once and stayed for 10 years than left on his own We have a 10 month old baby together and we are married So WHY do we need a waiver?? Can anyone help me out a little im confussed

  7. From what we have gathered from my lawyer (She thinks that because my husband was in the U.S illegal for 10 years and entered without inspection) He will be denied and put on a 10 year bad from entering the U.S So the next step is the waiver

    & Omg! I cant imagine how you and your husband felt after finding out you were denied! This is truly sad! I hope you get this all fixed and he is able to enter the U.S again!!!! My husband has never been in any trouble He has one speeding ticket and we own a gym and are health freaks so dont really drink either So i can only pray this does not happen to us or anything else! I will be a complete mess and not sure how i will be able to deal with it IF my husband is denies! This scares the life out of me!!!! Did you have two interviews? How long apart were yours? And how long did you have to stay in juarez?? Im so afraid of juarez i live in mexico state and the crime rate is so bad i never leave my house So im worried juarez will be the same also i have a 10month old baby i will need to take with me to juarez and thats freaks me out even more

  8. Thanks for sharing your story! I am thinking that we would not be able to even bother with a waiver until the interview, Am I wrong? This year will make it 10 years since he left the U.S. We aren't married yet; going through the K-1 route.

    ;) We are currently waiting on our interview also and our lawyer has already began the process of starting our waiver! From what she has told me is we could get out second interview anywhere from days to two weeks after the first interview! Im still new to all this also so i have a ton of questions myself but i hope anything i can give helps

  9. Hi all,

    Well my fiancé are only 2 weeks in to the K-1 journey. The last stage of interview is a ways off but was wondering if anyone has faced something similar in their case. My fiancé was illegally in the U.S. many years ago, about 10. He left voluntarily. He did receive a ticket (motor vehicle) while here. Anybody have a similar circumstance? If so, did it come up in the interview? Would it be a factor considered in approval? Thanks for feedback!

    Hi! ok so i am going through what your going through!

    My(Now husband) He was in the U.S 10 years, Never any crimial background Only one speeding ticket && He left the U.S voluntarily in Oct of 2014! (I left with him) To mexico

    We had our first child in June of 2015

    We married in October 2015 & Started his paper work rite away!

    We are now waiting on our interview (7months after starting out paperwork)

    I have a great lawyer who specializes in immigration only (She is in the U.S) She has assured us that we will be denied his visa at our interview

    BECAUSE he entered the U.S without inspection and was their over 1years (He Will be on a 10 year ban)

    SO because of that we are starting the process of a (WAIVER, Extreme Hardship) That will appeal his 10years ban and (From what my lawyer is saying) WILL get him his papers (She is almost certain)

    We could be given an interview date any day now

    Most likely it will be in juarez mexico (We live in Mx State)

    I hope your husband has his paper work for a waiver being set up and i wish you all the best of luck! I would LOVE to know what happens in your case Fell free to email me anytime

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