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Posts posted by skyland235

  1. 1 minute ago, Jorge Valdivia said:

    We ended up taking a trip to the US just to get it sorted out. We went to our local SSA office, waited in line for about 1 hour, and gave our SS-5 to the attendant. She said that there was no record of us applying for an SSN (even though we checked the box on the DS-260). She submitted the SS-5 and we received the card 6 days later.

    Many thanks-

    yes, so frustrating- especially as we actually hand completed the ss form and got a receipt etc but now being told they have no update and for us to go in again

  2. exactly in the same position!! - approved for US Immigration Visa and entered US September 9th as POE at JFK -Stayed  for a few days only to apply for SSN and to open bank account and then travelled back to the UK.
    Surprisingly, as its only been 7 weeks since POE,  we have received our US Permanent Resident Cards( 10 year Validity) yesterday but disappointingly no news yet on the Social Security Number
    Unsure as to why the delay with SSN and having called the office for a status update they were unbale to tell me anything other than' visit a SSN Office' and enquire in person.
    I guess, it’s just as well that I have another short trip planned in 2 weeks’ time and hope to get this sorted out but when we originally applied we were told '3 -weeks' and then to call the toll free number they gave

  3. Hi
    Just an update- approved for US Immigration Visa and entered US September 9th as POE at JFK -Stayed  for a few days only to apply for SSN and to open bank account and then travelled back to the UK.
    Surprisingly, as its only been 7 weeks since POE,  we have received our US Permanent Resident Cards( 10 year Validity) yesterday but disappointingly no news yet on the Social Security Number
    Unsure as to why the delay with SSN and having called the office for a status update they were unbale to tell me anything other than' visit a SSN Office' and enquire in person.
    I guess, it’s just as well that I have another short trip planned in 2 weeks’ time and hope to get this sorted out but when we originally applied we were told '3 -weeks' and then to call the toll free number they gave

  4. Hello
    Very silly i know at this late stage but........I have a big problem and that can someone advise should i simply cancel and reschdule interview? its supposed to be next week and we CANNOT find the ORIGINALS of my partners birth cert and our wedding cert...yes, i know i should have got all of this together some time ago and i had done and had ot all put safely away.... cannot find where i have put it though!!

    Am i better of at this late stage simply cancelling the interview and reschduling or should we just go on Tuesday mornng as planned with everythng else apart from the originals of these 2 items ??
    I have no idea what to do as i know i have the originals stored somewhere safe but cannot now find!!!! everything else on the list we have got

    Any advice at all would be great
  5. Thanks for this


    I also have another big problem and that can someone advise should i simply cancel and reschdule interview? its supposed to be next week and we cANNOT find the ORIGINALS of my partners birth cert and our wedding cert...yes, i know i should have got all of this together some time ago and i had done and had ot all put safely away.... cannot find where i have put it though!!

    Am i bettre of at this late stage simply cancelling the interview and reschduling or should we just go on Tuesday mornng as planned with everythng else aaprt for the the originals of these 2 items

  6. Hello

    I am hoping someone can advise - Does anyone have any idea as to the actual TIME LImit we have to reschdule a new Immigrant visa interview date ? I am guessing that there has to be surely a time limit in which we would need to rescdule?  Our prioroty date is current as per this months bulleting and the original date we were given was March 10th ( which we have had to cancel)


  7. 1 hour ago, Xwin said:

    Hi Skyland235,

    No effect to your case when travel to Us. I don't understand "our application is pending", what does it mean?



    what i meant is that can we travel to the US even though our geen card process is not complete - we booked this last August and had no idea that our case would be so close to completeion. so my main question is that can we still freely travel to the US even though process incomplete. Last August when we booked this 12 day holiday we got ESTA's and everything etc

  8. 2 minutes ago, Xwin said:

    Hi skyland235,

    Congratulation you!


    hello- yes, i should be pleased having waited like all of us here for a very long time.....but..... for other reasons we did not exoect a date so soon and i need to re-arrange this date!! As we cannot make it... Its at teh US Embassy n Lindon and i now need to find out if possible to chnage date to after May?? or will they say NO and take the Visa away.... Due to change in our prioirites we are now no longer in any rush and i need to change the date to after May end... if anyone here has any experience of changing/delaying interview dates please do let me know as i will be most grateful

  9. Hello
    Could someone please advise as to their experiences when trying to change the date given? E.g. was it agreed easily? Are we allowed to nominate say a month when the applicant is free to attend?
    My F3 Visa Priority date is NOT yet current and I didn’t expect this interview date / arrange medical etc so soon – the date given to me by NVC is too soon and I am in no rush anyway ( as explained in my previous posts).

  10. Hello
    Although we have waited a very long time for the day our PD actually becomes current....our family circumstances/ priorities may change - I have a query please which may or my not happen..... if we say that PD is current and the case is transferred ready for applicants interview at embassy- how long do we have to decide to fix up interview?
    I only ask as our petition is 1 main applicant and 3 derivatives.... it may be the case that 2 of the derivatives will not wish to make any sort of move in the next few years due to education etc so basically if this is the case then i would be looking at delaying it for these 2 and the other 2 will proceed as normal - i know that we could perhaps apply for a 2 year re-entry permits a coupe of times each but this can be costly etc so i would be looking to perhaps purposely delay for the 2 x children until we are given an ultimatum that they need to decide one way or another
    Hope the above query makes sense

  11. 7 hours ago, EdgeOfTomorrow said:


    Hi Skyland235,


    I think that depends on the individuals concerned, but be aware that the medicals are only valid for 6 months. Our visa was valid until March, however, we've just done our immigration and we have to move within 12 months. We're back in Canada now to start our moving process. The US is tightening down on the time you have to move, because many people before all of the applicants here abused the system, obtaining visas with no intention of moving. Immigration will question you regarding your plans and will refuse you entry if they are not satisfied,

    Thanks for this info-- very useful to know... as my original idea was to go in the 1st 6 months just to get the stamp in passport etc and then come back to the uk for at least 5/6 months to sort things out

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