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Posts posted by Adbdp

  1. Hi,

    Anyone who had gotten an RFE, can you help me clear something up?

    My RFE says at the bottom return to evidence and the letter to US department of Homeland security and an address for that. Then it says for express delivery: USCIS national benefits centre and then an address for that.

    Did anyone else get two addresses? And which one did you use? I'm assuming the express delivery will be faster? Am I just being silly?


  2. Thanks,

    I have latent tb and a normal x-Ray. I know the doctor should have signed the form but he has gotten confused, in the guidelines it talks about if treatment for tuberculosis disease is needed you are class A, I do not have active disease but the consultant I saw suggested the treatment for latent tb and the doctor is saying that makes me class A.

    I have written to him to explain but I'm not sure if he will listen.

    What I am wondering is. If he signs it as class A and I explain at the embassy can they override what the doctor said?

    Does anyone have an experience like this?


  3. Hi,

    I am going for my interview soon but I think the doctor has made a mistake when filling out my medical form. He has said that something I have is a class A condition when I know it to be class B.

    He has not read the guidelines while I have.

    I am wondering does anyone know, if I explain this mistake to the interviewer at the embassy can they override what the doctor said if they see that I am right?

    Or do they just believe what the doctor writes?

    I'm so annoyed about this because the doctor is wrong and there seems to be nothing I can do about it.


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