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Posts posted by Monal

  1. Hello !! Guys 

    I'm confuse cuz she told to my husband that we don't send the pcc from London and we did...... my husband was checking all the paper and between the paper was the pcc from London and she told him we never send it ...and she give him this cover sheet too what is the red dot means?..... thank both 


  2. My husband interview was today in New Delhi and after the 10 questions the officer asked to my husband and ask for photos he give all to her and the papers he was asking to sit and wait haft hour later she came with a paper said they can't give him the visa cuz is missing a document .... he was in London U.K. For few years they want the police certificate from there which I send one from London and India but they said to my husband they don't have it ... I'm trying to get another police certificate....but I'm afraid that they will not give the visa to someone who guides me, please....we was waiting for 1 year and 4 month . Thank ..

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