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Posts posted by munchmunch

  1. 13 minutes ago, Wuozopo said:


    The guy who updates the website is on holiday. His backup girl left early for a root canal. It does not mean the entire USCIS office in London stopped working. Don't pin your hopes and dreams on watching any version of immigration updates. They aren't nearly that important to the worker bees who are churning out applications. Sometimes the updates are just wrong or behind actual times. 

    first of all, that post is from months ago. I'm pretty sure they've always been messing up the update and it has nothing to do with anyone being on holiday... (how you know this is odd in itself)


    second of all, it's not REALLY a crazy idea to think that people could/would actually do their jobs and update a website on the day they say they're going to.

  2. I HIGHLY suggest John Mason International Movers... I'm not joking when I tell you that they are literally in my house as I type, packing up all of my things for me. They're based out of Liverpool but work across the country. We are shipping 15 very large boxes and a massive coffee table and it's just over £700 door to door from Manchester to Detroit.

  3. Hello!!


    So, the Husband and I are currently waiting for our NOA2 from the London Embassy for his IR-1 Visa.


    We're thinking about moving in with his parents some time between now and the move. We would like to move as soon as possible, because it would save us money to be there, but also don't want a lot of hassle, if there would be from changing address part way thru the process.


    Any advice?

  4. sorry, yes I'm in the UK and I did DCF thru the Embassy. I am currently waiting for my NOA2.




    This website updates weekly on a Friday, letting people know what I-130's are being processed, which can give you an indication of when you will receive the NOA2.


    Last Friday when it updated the dates did not move forward from the 5th of January... Today it hasn't even been updated.

  5. Just wondering, could anyone that has already scheduled their medical and their interview tell me if you're able to choose a time for either or can you only choose a date? Like a lot of people here, we don't live near London so getting there (cheaply) is a priority and we would prefer to have something in the afternoon, rather than the morning.


    Thank you!



  6. Hate to reply to my own thread before someone else does but...


    I've now seen some info saying that I might not need to show a transcript and that copies of my returns might be sufficient at the London DCF office because my mom is the USA sponsor and will have all of the correct information for her finances. 


    Does anyone recently know if this is the case as well?


    Thank you again

  7. So, I've just sent my I-130 (for my husband's IR-1 visa) and I've been reading about the next steps...


    It mentions having a tax transcript as proof of income with the I-864 (even tho my mom back in the states is going to be his sponsor)... my issue is that I only recently learned about the fact that I should have been filing taxes for the years that I've lived here in the UK and I've only literally just sent off the back filed forms.


    Does anyone know how long it will take before I can request a transcript or is there any way to get around this and just show copies of what I have just sent?


    Thank you

  8. quick backstory...


    The husband and I sent out our I-130 right on the cusp of the London Embassy deciding to stop credit card payments. The application was sent back telling us about the new (and horrid) forms of payment. SO I attempted (2 months ago now) to get a bank draft from my bank and the whole thing blew up in my face. They made a huge mistake (very long story) and I have just received compensation for the mistakes made and needless to say, I'm not getting a draft from them now.


    Point is, we have to start from scratch. New documents and all. I had everything mapped out and filled out and ready for every step to come, and now I feel like everything has changed.


    1. HOW on earth are people getting payment for the visa now? I can't figure out how to get an American money order or American Cashier's check... other than getting a family member to post something.


    2. Is there anything REALLY different from the filing rules from last year? (besides the new, higher fees)


    It's heartbreaking to start the process again, and fighting my bank for 2 months has made me brain dead.


    Thanks for any responses. :unsure:

  9. I'm about to send out my 1-130 to get my husband's IR1 visa but just need to double check some things.

    1. My mother will be our sponsor back home as both my husband and myself will be movingl together so she has filled out an I-864. Do I need to fill one out as well even tho she did? I think I do, just want to make sure.

    2. After receiving his LDN number I know we can set up his medical. I phoned Knightsbridge yesterday and they said that they can usually see someone within a week. Is there a time limit on how long we can take to set up the medical? If we start the process in a couple weeks it seems like his medical could fall around Xmas and it might be hard to take time off of work then.

    I think those are my only questions for now. Thanks so much!!

  10. Hello! I'm new to this forum but not new to the visa process itself because 6 years ago I moved to the UK on a fiance visa. I am a USC, my husband is a UKC and we are planning on starting a IR-1 visa in the next few weeks.

    I have two questions...

    First, I have been living in the UK and only recently realized that I should have been filing taxes so I don't have 3 years of tax returns to add to the visa packet. However, my mother will be sponsering us in the US anyway and providing her tax returns. Does that mean that I don't have to add mine because she is providing hers or do I have to file first and provide mine as well even though I am not the monitary sponser?

    Second, I've seen some filing date timelines and it seems like the IR-1 process is taking up to a year in some cases. My husband's passport expires in April of 2017. I'm sure we would be in America before this point but does the US goverment require a certain amount of time left on the passport to enter? I know that a visitor must have 6+ months on a passport to enter but as this is a settlement visa I wasn't sure if the same applied.

    Thank you SO much!!!


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