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Posts posted by earthday

  1. Success is the best revenge.

    Look inward at yourself. Figure out your own problems, not his. Figure out why you let someone do it to you.

    Your life and your child's life can still be fantastic.

    Ok, I will try. I just feel like nobody is being supportive. Sadly, too much of this goes on. It just does not sit well with me. I knew he was using me but my mom did not want me to stop him because she said I needed him to support me. I will try to do what is necessary for myself/child. It is just not going to be easy.

  2. Nothing you can do unless you can prove fraud. Why did you wait a year if you knew he forged some papers to remove conditions? NVM the why doesn't matter, just divorce and move on being vindictive will gain you nothing. Do file for child support as he has an obligation to support his child.

    I waited because I dis not know he filed it. I did not know anything until the day that he was going to be naturalize. He hid it all from me. He never lets me leave the house. He always was going to get the mail and not allowing me to get the mail. So, I could not find out anything. Also, not sure why people think me wanting to revoke his citizenship away would be evil. The guy told me he does not love me so how would I be wrong for it?

  3. I am an American with American parents. No, I am not Pakistani. Yes, it is very common and I was aware. He made like he loved me dearly and that suddenly changed. I held on for the baby and also because he seemed like he wanted to be with me. I now realize he was just holding on for his own benefits. The only thing I could do is prove I never signed the papers he sent in to remove conditions but that may be difficult. I could prove he just used me for papers because I have emails from a friend of his stating that he will do exactly what he just did to me. He said it years ago that he will leave me the day he gets his papers. All the stuff his friend told me has come true. My husband denied it and I trusted him like an idiot. He also promised he will buy me a new house after he got settled and now he has stated he will never buy me a house and that he just said that to keep me quiet. He says I can just stay in the small house we own now and he will pack up and move himself. It is not about the house though it is about him getting his papers and now literally days later planning to go back home. He is planning to marry over there after he divorces me. I think he is rushing over there to find a new girl and then engage and marry after he kicks me to the curb. If you think I am crazy for hanging on it is because I wanted to do best for my baby. I thought the baby needed a father and I did not think to save myself from heartache. Now, I realize I should have went ahead and took care of this before he got his citizenship. My mom was the one who held me back because she did not want me to make a mistake. Now, I feel like giving up on everything in life. I am very hurt and disappointed that he used me.

    Oh, not to mention days after he gets his citizenship he applied instantly for the passport and his Pakistani travel document. He also says he is going to divorce me because he does not want to be around me any longer.

  4. I take it you are not Pakistani?

    Sadly very common.

    You mention allegations, what evidence do you have?

    I am an American with American parents. No, I am not Pakistani. Yes, it is very common and I was aware. He made like he loved me dearly and that suddenly changed. I held on for the baby and also because he seemed like he wanted to be with me. I now realize he was just holding on for his own benefits. The only thing I could do is prove I never signed the papers he sent in to remove conditions but that may be difficult. I could prove he just used me for papers because I have emails from a friend of his stating that he will do exactly what he just did to me. He said it years ago that he will leave me the day he gets his papers. All the stuff his friend told me has come true. My husband denied it and I trusted him like an idiot. He also promised he will buy me a new house after he got settled and now he has stated he will never buy me a house and that he just said that to keep me quiet. He says I can just stay in the small house we own now and he will pack up and move himself. It is not about the house though it is about him getting his papers and now literally days later planning to go back home. He is planning to marry over there after he divorces me. I think he is rushing over there to find a new girl and then engage and marry after he kicks me to the curb. If you think I am crazy for hanging on it is because I wanted to do best for my baby. I thought the baby needed a father and I did not think to save myself from heartache. Now, I realize I should have went ahead and took care of this before he got his citizenship. My mom was the one who held me back because she did not want me to make a mistake. Now, I feel like giving up on everything in life. I am very hurt and disappointed that he used me.

  5. hi

    divorce is long overdue, you should have kicked him to the curb long ago

    as said you are no longer hooked on the affidavit of support since he is a USC

    unless you have overwhelming proof that he forged your signature, there is nothing you can do

    Oh ok, because he is planning on marrying someone there.

    I mean to say he will be marrying in his country.

  6. Get a divorce. I have zero idea why you'd still be married to a man after spending 3 years on a couch.

    Be happy you're not on the hook for the I-864 anymore.

    Move on with your life. ASAP.

    Unless you can prove that he forged your signature, which is fraud, there likely isn't much you can do against him.

    There is nothing at all that I can do? We can not do anything about marriage fraud?

  7. Hello. I had suspected marriage fraud months ago but he forced me to follow through with his papers. He forged my signature on some of the documents in order to get some of his papers done. He also did not allow me to cancel his paperwork when I first suspected he was using me. I ended up getting pregnant and he wanted me to not have the baby but I did have it anyway. I think that was when I first suspected he was not right. He wants to join the police academy now and says that is the only reason he wanted US citizenship. He is so mean to be and snaps at me every chance he gets. Now he planning to go back to his home country in Pakistan in a few weeks without me. He says he hates me and he needs a break to get away from me so he can be in peace. He says he hates people my race and wishes that I were not in his life. It is funny how he played like he loved me before. But, now all of a sudden I am garbage. What he did now is that he is changing everything that he did in the beginning. He never goes out with me in public and for the last 3 years I have slept alone on a sofa. Is there anything I can do about this? Can his citizenship be revoked? He compiled so much evidence to prove our marriage was bonafide and now he is canceling all of the evidence. For example, he has a life insurance policy with me as the beneficiary and now he wants to cancel it. Also, credit cards and joint accounts and now he no longer wants me on them. He pays his bills on time and neglects all of my bills. He does not allow me to work, but he does not assist me at all in my bills. I really have not been given justice here in my opinion. Is there anything at all that I can do? He is trying to leave me as soon as possible and I am very hurt and scared.

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