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Posts posted by Panasqojoe

  1. pls my fiance and I are nw officially married with a certificate and is nw about to file for spouse visa.....since I don't want to repeat the mistake I did the last time I would like to have advice on hw to start the whole process. ..

    1.which documents should I send to husband to enable him file for the spouse visa???

    2. wat documents does my husband need to enable him to file for the spouse visa and get approved???

    3.will we need any special forms or documents? ???

    Like I said we are nw about to start the CR-1 (I 130) spouse visa....so we need ur help in hw to go about the process in other not to waste time and resources.....hoping to get responses soon thanks

  2. About the letter to close my refused K1 visa should my fiance attach it to the new spouse visa form and send both together to the uscis office or should send both separate.

    Also will there be any special information to be added to the letter to close my K1 visa or I will just state DUE TO THE FACT THAT AM GETTING MARRIED I WISH TO CLOSE MY K1 VISA AND START WIT A SPOUSE VISA APPLICATION.

    again we are confused about the type of spouse visa to apply for since we knw Lil about them all..

    so with our case which should we choose...K3, I-130, CR-1????

  3. pls wat is the difference between I-130 visa, K3 visa and CR-1 visa?? and which is best for me as I have been refused a K1 visa on the 17th of March because I have had a traditional wedding (engagement) and the councilor suggested I file for a spouse visa.....I have had advices from members of the group but the problem is am confused don't knw which will best suits my situation ...I have already done the engagement and have applied for license and have been giving 21 days to wait and come wit my family and my fiance and her family to register the marriage but I don't knw which visa application to choose....

    should I choose: K3, I-130 or CR-1???

  4. Wat I was talking about was that my fiance and her mom has joint account and the income isn't enough so we going for cosponsoreship.....

    So will it be my fiance + her mom + me on one form

    Then cosponsores will be ...cosponsores + me+ family size on a different form

    So the sum total/size of both parties together will determine the income needed?????

  5. Thanks u all for ur answers they really helping but nw wat am confused is about my fiance and her mom having joint account and also would need co-sponsorship so in that cause does my fiance and her mom both fill two different forms each for one then the cosponsores also fill another form too??? And also should there be like 3 or 4 cosponsores should each fill a form separately?????

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