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Posts posted by Joe2016

  1. i`m asking in the post office and they told me that i can apply for the passport, and if i wait for 5 years i will do the same process after 5 year and i`m eligible to derive citizenship from my parents because my dad naturalized before i turn 18 and i have a green card " no matter when i got my green card" 

    I applied for the passport guys!!

    • At least one of the child’s parents is a U.S. citizen by birth or naturalization;
    • The child is under 18 years of age;
    • The child is residing in or has resided in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent pursuant to a lawful admission for permanent residence.

    I did that already but I found that the child must be under 18 years, but I don`t know if it must be under 18 when the parent naturalized or when the child resided. 


    the lawyer told me that you must be younger than 18 when your father naturalized doesn`t matter when you got your green card

  2. Good morning guys

    I am Muslim and I will go to United states to live with my family there after some days . My father and all my brothers are American citizens

    my questions is about the situation of green card holders if Mr.Donald Trump be the president of US . What will happen to us !? , Do we deport ?

    I know It is still not sure that US ban Muslims from entering US , but I want to know if that happen . what about the legal residences !!?

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